As you know, PrestaShop It is a very effective ECommerce tool to increase your sales, and very efficient to use.
But trying to upload products is sometimes a bit confusing, and more so when it comes to uploading a very large catalog of products, so below we will explain how import products to PrestaShop.
Essential tips to import products to PrestaShop:
Create the categories we need before starting import products to PrestaShop.
- Download an example of a CSV file before filling it in as the organizational structure tends to vary. You can find an example by clicking on the Backoffice / Advanced Parameters / Import CSV option.
- Check save the CSV in its correct format.
- It is recommended that each image uploaded weighs more than 500 kb and is larger than 70cm x 70cm.
- The images you want to add must have been saved with the exact name, without putting spaces and in format .jpg o . Png.
- Try introducing a single product to see what it works and what you have to correct.
- If you want to import products to PrestaShop 1.7 quickly and easily.
Guide to import products to PrestaShop
Open the CSV file
We must first open the file that will be our template that we must fill out. It must be downloaded as described in the previous step.
When we open the .CSV file With the Office program, Excel will show us an error message. To which we will have to respond as follows:
- At the first message we click on "Yes".
- At the second message we press "No".
- At the last message, click on the "Accept" option.
How to fill in the CSV template for PrestaShop products
The spine "A", Belongs to ID, which will be the identification number of each product. We can leave this column unfilled, in this way the ID will be created automatically. So the content of this column is optional.
The spine "B”: Active: (0 = NO; 1 = YES) By default, it should be set to 1 so that the product is visible in the online store. If a 0 is set, the product will no longer be visible.
The spine "C”: Unique name of the product
The spine "D”: Names of the categories in which the product will appear within PrestaShop. We recommend putting the ID of the category to do it faster and with less chance of error. You can include several categories separated by a single comma, you should not use space between them.
The spine "E": The Price Not including VAT: Since the taxes will be added in the next column.
The spine "F”: Tax rule, set here the amount to be charged per item.
The spine "G”: This column is optional, here you can include the Wholesale Price.
The spine "H": In this you will write if the product in question is on sale or not, so you must write (0 = NO; 1 = YES) for your items to appear in the sale advertising.
The spine "I": Value of the discount that the discounted products have. It should update automatically if percentage is entered in the next column.
The spine "J": Percentage of the discount that will be applied to the total value of the item.
The columns "K"And"L": These establish the period in which the Discount in question will be valid, assigning the start date in the column (K) and the end date of the promotion (L), you must put it with the format AAAA-MM-DD. Leave it empty if the item is not on sale.
The spine "M": Reference number
The spine "N”: Supplier reference number
The columns "O"And"P": The provider is assigned in the (O) and the manufacturer in the column (P): Column to be filled with the ID of the supplier or manufacturer in question.
The spine "Q”: The EAN-13 number is placed in this column: This is the barcode number, which is made up of 13 digits, with which an item is identified.
The spine "R”: UPC: Which has been like EAN-13 in North America, it includes the barcode, which is not usually seen in Spain.
The spine "S”: This is the green tax rate, you can leave it blank.
The columns "T","U","V"And"W”: In which the measurements of the item in question are entered, the Width in the column (T), Height in the (U), Depth in the (V) and Weight in the column (W):
Useful feature for international mail carriers and shipments.
The spine "X”: Amount of inventory that we have in Stock of that product. Mandatory column.
The spine "Y”: Minimum quantity: Minimum quantity of the product for sale. Put 1 by default.
The spine "Z": By default leave column empty.
The spine "AA”: Additional cost to be charged for a certain product
The spine "AB”: Unit of product content
The spine "AC”: Price for each Unit.
The spine "AD”: Short description of the product.
The spine "AE”: More extended description of the product.
The spine "AF": It is about including keywords with which they can search for the product. Tags with which they can reference the article.
The columns "AG","AH" and "AI”: Meta-title in the column (AG), Meta-keywords in column (ah) and Meta-description in the column (AI): This field is to position the products in Internet search engines. Fill in text about the product.
The spine "AJ”: They are automatically generated with the product name separated by hyphens. It is recommended not to alter anything in this.
The spine "AK”: Text for when available.
The spine "AL": Text for backorders
The spine "AM": Availability for shipments (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
The columns "AN"And"AO": Dates of availability and creation of the product, normally they are left empty.
The spine "AP": If you want the price to appear, you must write 1, if you don't want the price to show, write 0.
The spine "AQ”: Link of images to be included for the product. You can include multiple images separated by a single comma, without a space. To introduce them in the CSV file, we will write them as in the format of this example: ./upload/DSCF1940.jpg
The spine "AR”: Delete previously existing images in the article (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
The spine "AS”: Characteristics that must be separated by commas and not by spaces.
The spine "AT”: It will be written if the article is only available online (0 = NO; 1 = YES).
The spine "AU”: Product condition: In which you must indicate if the product is NEW, USED or RECYCLED, Optional column.
The spine "AV": To establish if the article is customizable or not, so you will indicate with a 1 if it is customizable or a" 0 "if the product is not customizable. Leave empty if the product is not customizable. If the product is customizable, a text box will be displayed on the product file so that the customer can fill it out.
The spine "AW”: Attached file (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
The spine "AX": It is indicated with a" 1 "if we want to show text fields so that the client can write us or" 0 "if we do not want to receive any type of comment.
The spine "AY”: Mark a“ 1 ”to allow orders, even if there is no Stock, or mark 0 if we do not want to allow them to order if there is no longer stock of the product.
The spine "AZ”: Name of the store or brand.
Once you finish filling in the information in the columns, we must save the file.
Save the CSV template
Pressing the floppy to save the file.CSV In the Excel program we are going to find a message. To the first message we answer "Yes", to the second message we answer "No".
Uploading the template with products to PrestaShop
Once we have correctly carried out the previous steps to fill in the template completely, we proceed to import the products in PrestaShop.
The system itself offers us this option in the section:
- Catalog and click on the right side that has the message: Import products to PrestaShop
- Choose the type of .CSV file to incorporate. In this case, the products you have already filled
- Upload the file from our computer looking for it in the folder that was saved.
- Language in which the catalog will be incorporated.
- Choose the configuration of the upload file. By default leave the default, with .CSV files.
- Press next.
- Click on import CSV data.
With these steps, which will take you some time and dedication at the beginning, you can upload a large number of articles at the same time, although it may seem tedious when you start to do it, then you will begin to get used to the system, and its way of operating.
You will realize that it is about a simple table of contents, which will help you handle large amounts of information more easily, since this tool may seem complicated at first, but it will give you organizational advantages when uploading your product catalog and marketing them online reaching more and more customers around of the world.
Very good article. I have some doubts.
I have uploaded some articles with combinations and their corresponding images, by combination.
When reissuing articles (due to the arrival of new replacements), is it necessary to put the ID of the article or is the reference worth it? (I have put the reference of the article as its ID, not letting Prestashop do it automatically, I do not know if that will give a problem if different manufacturers use the same internal reference for their products)
It has happened to me that I have done it like this and now I have eg 1 S Orange, 3 S Orange, 1 M Orange, 3 M Orange… that is, new combinations are added, instead of adding.
Another problem with the images, if the sizes S, M, L, XL of the color orange have the same images (one from the front, one from the side, one from behind) for four sizes, I have 12 images per color. If I have 6 colors, I have 74 images.