If you have a business, you most likely want to make money from it. But sometimes, not only can income come in through your company; They can also do it through social networks. And more specifically, through streaming. At this point, you can think of Youtube, but the truth is that there is an even greater social network and that can offer you better remuneration. Do you know how to make money on Twitch?
If we have just struck a chord with you and you want to know how, in addition to your business, get another source of income, then what we are going to explain is of interest to you. And a lot.
Twitch, the new direct content platform
As you know, when we talk about videos, it is normal to think of YouTube. Of direct, perhaps more Facebook or Instagram. But the truth is that actually Twitch has managed to take everything good from social networks and has combined it into one.
Thus, we could say that Twitch is a streaming platform with live videos, but there may also be recorded and edited. However, what is most important is the first, since it is above all similar to traditional television.
The operation of Twitch has to do with the freemium format, that is, that to watch a video you have to consume ads from time to time or you can subscribe as a subscriber to a channel and you would stop seeing the ads in addition to having other extra functions.
How much money is made on Twitch
Surely when we have asked you how to earn money on Twitch It has come to mind the huge amounts of money that some streamers have made public, sometimes with figures of four, five or even six zeros. But we must warn you. It ain't gonna be reach out and get that. Not much less.
First you have to make yourself known and that implies having to dedicate time, sometimes thinking of throwing in the towel, and many others trying to emulate others. But all of them is experience and time, and little by little, if you manage to connect with your audience, you can start earning.
So don't think this is overnight, far from it. It is trying to work hard to get your "channel", your "brand" to start to sound to others.
Because of this, we cannot tell you how much money is earned on Twitch because it depends on many factors to take into account. A channel opened by a famous person is not the same as one from a person who is only known by his or her close family and friends.
How to make money with Twitch
That said, we're not saying you can't make money either. Actually you can, and there are several methods to achieve it. Do you want to know what they are?
The "subscribers"
Subscribers mean Twitch as those people who subscribe to the channel to avoid seeing the ads (which are sometimes very heavy) and get other features (for example, personalized stickers). But also and this is something that many do not know, you can talk with the protagonist of the video. That is, you can talk or write with him.
For this reason, many pay the subscription and it is one of the most stable income you will have, as long as you connect well with that group and get them to renew month after month.
Twitch pays you 50% of that subscriber's subscription, and the other he keeps. But when there are already more than 10.000 spectators, then the distribution becomes more lucrative for you, around 70/30.
And how much is the subscription worth? We suppose that it will depend on the channels but in general they are 3,5 euros per month. So it is not an amount that many think is prohibitive.
Another way to earn money on Twitch are donations, or tips, whatever you want to call it. It is a way of publicly thanking the protagonist of the video for the effort he is making on the channel and the video and a way of rewarding him.
The best of all is that the money that is given is 100% for the user, Twitch does not enter here to put his hand because he understands that if he is given it is because he really deserves it.
In the case of Spain, this does not take as much, but it can be one more income through Twitch.
Advertising on Twitch
As with other networks such as YouTube, you can place paid ads to get more profit. How? In the free version of Twitch you already know that they have ads. As well, you can monetize that advertising, although you will share it with Twitch.
In fact, when the channel becomes relevant, it has the opportunity to generate more income, to the point of even showing subscribers ads. Of course, you have to be careful and not do it too much because then you put at risk that the following month the subscription will be deleted.
Sponsorships, affiliates...
Now we move on to copying to Facebook and especially to Instagram. And we do it becauseBusinesses are looking a lot to Twitch for collaborationss with those who have the most active channels and with the most subscribers to advertise their products. It can be video games, it can be events, it can be posting an ad in the middle of your live video…
Therefore, the company pays you and you advertise it. No more. Obviously, it cannot be that you are against something and then announce it, or that it is your sponsor. That's all wrong because you will be marked as "sold". But they can be very juicy in terms of figures.
A practical example focused on an eCommerce
Yes, we know that right now you are thinking that this is more for streamers and influencers, but for you this would not work at all. But it is true? Doesn't it work for eCommerce? Well the truth is that you are wrong.
Lets put an example of a clothing store that receives news every week. Why not make a video showing these novelties and giving priority to all viewers so they can order the clothes they like the most? They could even try it on live and thus get people to see how it can look.
This is a viral video because many people they may be interested in those live streams and will subscribe to watch it without ads, but also to interact with the protagonist and show him the clothes again or resolve doubts.
with that video you can have sponsorships (clothing brands), subscribers can be made and donations can also be given for making them
But not only that. Another live video option can be with the store. Show how it is, where it is, and talk about seasonal colors, outfits that can be made, or even help people know how to combine clothes. All this in an eCommerce can be profitable through Twitch, even more so because it is not yet very exploited.
And we can do the same for a video game or technology store... Of course, we recommend that you buy a laptop for video editing that is powerful and has a good camera, this way you will get the best performance and it will undoubtedly impact the results of your job.
Do you dare to earn money on Twitch?