How to create an Amazon niche website?

How to create an Amazon niche website

Creating an Amazon niche website is a good idea when you want to be profitable and, writing very little, receive an extra for having recommended products from the platform. But it should not be taken lightly. Because it takes work to achieve results.

If the idea catches your attention but you don't know what steps you should take to get it built and really make money at the end of the month, what we are talking about can serve as a guide for you. Shall we start?

What you need to create an Amazon niche website

amazon card

Before you get to work It is very necessary to have at least two things: a domain and hosting. If you already have it, great, but if not, let us tell you something about the domain: it has to be as related as possible to your niche website.

For example, imagine that you are going to pack backpacks for school. Well, your domain can't be, nor if you hurry me up. It should be as closely related to that product of interest as possible, in this case,

The objective is that, down to the domain, it makes people see the page as one where they will find those doubts and questions they have, as well as options to know what type of backpacks to buy.

As for hosting, it is best that it is focused on the country of your target audience. If it is Spain, Spain, not Europe, much less outside this continent. This way, at the SEO level, it will work much better for you.

Once you have this in mind, we can continue.

Choose the niche

As you know, the truth is that there are as many niches as you want to create. The problem is that the vast majority, especially products that are profitable, are very limited. That doesn't mean you can't look for one.

In general, we recommend that you Go for vertical niches, which are topics of interest but very specific and very specialized. There will be less competition and although the target audience will be smaller, it may be of higher quality.

Now, how do you find the best niche? Well, it depends on three aspects:

  • A market study, to know what people are looking for, what the trends are, topics of interest...
  • Find niches. You can do this by going to Amazon and browsing its categories to see which products attract the most attention and which niche they fall into.
  • Do a keyword search. Because it can help you know if the niche is really profitable and can bring you searches.

Based on the choice of niche, we recommend that you look for the right domain for you.

WordPress, the most used platform

WordPress CMS with Woocommerce

To set up a niche website, it is normal to use a CMS. And among all those there are the most used and recommended is WordPress. It is the most intuitive way to work with websites and you will not have any problems setting it up, plus it has many free templates that you can use.

Create the content and the website

The next step, now that you know your niche, you have the website already set up (you will have to design it, yes, although simple), you will have to provide it with content.

Cast It involves creating entries, articles in which you talk about topics related to your niche using keywords.

The contents should not be very extensive, since 400 words would be fine. But if it is possible to reach 600, much better because Google will take them into account more. Furthermore, if you make comparisons and well-crafted articles you can position yourself ahead of others.

Sign up as an Amazon affiliate

How Amazon Payments works

The next step is to sign up as an Amazon affiliate so you can have your own code and, whenever you recommend a product, they give you some money in exchange.

And this is where we must make a point. And it is that Not all Amazon products have the same profitability. There are some for which you will receive more money than others (and not because of the product itself, but because of the category). So, if you really want the effort to be profitable, this step would perhaps be one of the first to take to choose the niche where you are going to focus. Of course, there will also be more competition, keep that in mind.

Once you register, you will use that platform to find the products and obtain their codes to put them on your website so that people who come to it can stop at the product and, if they like it, buy it. They're not actually going to buy it from you; but they will do it directly on Amazon. But the url they use will have your code that will let Amazon know that it has made a sale for you, and in return it will give you a profit.

Two ways to “sell”

Finally, you should know that There are two ways to sell: with plugins that list the Amazon product and so it can be seen that what you are doing is promoting the products. Or creating your own store but with Amazon links (the final sale would be made with Amazon).

Both are good options, although the second will always make your website look much better and, above all, more elegant.

Publish articles

Creating the website does not mean doing it and that's it, money will come to you. The truth is that it doesn't work that way, and it would be a mistake if you think that way. The best is From time to time publish topics that are related to the niche so that Google visits the web often, and also provide quality content.

That will improve your positioning and you will be able to have more at the end of the month. And how to do it? Basing them on the searches that users usually do and on the topics. For example, following the topic of school backpacks, related topics could be the benefits of backpacks with wheels, the drawbacks, the average weight of a backpack, exercises to improve children's backs due to backpacks, etc. Do you see where we are going? They are topics that yes, you can position for keywords, but much more for valuable topics that people could search for.

Here you will have to use some tools to find those topics. Even the Amazon search engine helps you because it autocompletes your searches and you will know what is most searched for. Based on that, you can create the article.

Do you dare to create an Amazon niche website?

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