How to create a store on WhatsApp: all the steps to take

How to create a store on WhatsApp

More and more companies are paying attention to WhatsApp to sell their products. And as a feature of WhatsApp Business, you can have your own store. But, How to create a store in WhatsApp?

If you haven't done it yet, or you think it's too complicated, we already tell you that you're wrong. It is quite easy and you just have to follow a few steps. In fact, we are going to help you with it so that you can configure it and start it up to start receiving orders through the app.

Install WhatsApp Business

Download the application

The first step you will have to do is download the WhatsApp Business application. Yes, it's a different app than normal WhatsApp, but you won't have a problem because it works almost the same.

Once you have it on your mobile you will have to create an account. To do this, you will need the phone number to verify it.

Set up your profile

After that, it will ask you to configure the company profile. Specifically, it will ask you for the company name, description and upload the logo (so that they identify you as a business).

Take your time to write the description, since even something so small can encourage people to look at your catalog and buy from you. And it is that, if in a few lines you are able to capture the attention of these people and in addition to earning their trust, you already have a lot.

Add your customers

This is something that not all companies can do. First, because to have the contacts of these people it is necessary that you have written consent that they give you their phone and that you can include them in a contact list. But, You can find someone who is not very happy with this and who denounces you.

So whenever you are going to do something with private data, it is best to ask for permission beforehand and that they give it to you. Obviously, this in case of online purchases can be put at the time of formalizing the orders.

clients and contacts you must add them to the list of contacts that you will have in the app. It can be quite tedious, especially if you have a lot of them, but it will be worth it later.

Communicate with your clients

Once you have them in the WhatsApp Business application, you can communicate with them and even see statistics to find out if they read you, if not, if they click on the links you send, etc.

Create a product catalog

How to create catalog

One of the advantages that WhatsApp Business offers us, and The reason why you want to create a store on WhatsApp is the possibility of having a virtual catalog with the products.

To do this, and always within the application, you have to go to the "Catalogues" section. If you do not have any made (as will be the case), click on "Create catalog".

Next, as if it were a tab on your website or eCommerce, You will have to add product to product with its images, description, price...

Again we tell you the same as with the description of the store: the more you connect with that public, the more chances that they will buy from you. That's why, try not to use typical texts that are repeated everywhere and use copywriting, and even storytelling, to sell the feel of the product, not the product itself.

Once you finish one, hit save and continue with the next one. And so until you finish.

Finally, you will be able to share your entire catalog with customers. Yes indeed, remember to periodically update your catalogue, either to remove products that you no longer sell or to put new ones. Likewise, prices are important, especially if you change them.

You will give a bad image if they order you and it turns out that they are no longer available. And you will like it much less if they buy a product at a price and you had raised it a few months ago (with which you lose money).

apply strategies

Just because you create a store on WhatsApp doesn't mean that you're going to sell for it. It is necessary that the clients, both the ones you have and the new ones, find out about it. And to encourage sales on WhatsApp, you could offer some discounts or promotions to encourage that sales channel.

How is it done? Especially with personalized shipments to customers. But also promoting the store through other channels such as through social networks (Facebook and Instagram, being from the same company as WhatsApp, could give these messages more priority). You can even add small gifts.

This, although it may involve an expense for you, if you manage to reach a certain percentage of clients, and they repeat, it will be settled and you will obtain positive results. The bad thing is that it doesn't work for you.

How to buy in the WhatsApp store

Add products in the cart

Imagine that you have a store in WhatsApp with the catalog and everything formalized. If you go through the catalog you will see the products and it is possible that one of them interests you. So you put it in the cart.

And it is that the store works like any other online store, only that, instead of using the browser, or the computer, to place the order, it is carried out through the mobile.

When you finish putting all the items you want in the cart, you just have to click on the cart (which appears in the upper right part) and there it will give you a list of what has been included.

Now, at the moment you still can't pay on WhatsApp. This means that only the products can be chosen and these are sent as a message to the store owner to contact you, give you feedback regarding what you have ordered and offer you several payment methods to formalize the sale and prepare the order so that it reaches you as soon as possible.

It is not known exactly when the payments to WhatsApp Business will arrive (nor if these will imply any commission on the part of the company, before which some catalogs could disappear).

But meanwhile, You already know how to create a store in WhatsApp. Do you dare to try?

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