Everyone knows that Linkedin is one of the social networks with the most followers around the world. It is rare that some users are not integrated into your structure. But it is convenient to know that it is not a social network to use. If not, on the contrary, it is aimed at a more professional profile and because of it you can get more out of your professional activity.
From this general scenario, you should know from now on that LinkedIn is a social community oriented to companies, businesses and employment. This is already a big difference compared to other social networks where your presence is active. In which it starts from a very well-defined user profile and is inclined towards a professional contribution. For what he publicly contributes his work experience and all the skills he has in relation to the world of work. So that in this way, it is integrated into a digital platform that connects millions of companies and employees.
But the best of all is that this professional social network can help you boost your digital project, whatever it was. But before starting to carry out this task, your first objective will be to create a company profile on Linkedin. It will not be excessively complicated, but you will have to follow this process step by step so as not to make mistakes of a certain relevance that could delay this desire that you have through one of the most important social networks internationally.
Linkedin: how to create a company profile safely?
It will be the moment when your main mission will be the elaboration of information that will reach other users such as your own case. Through a process that consists of the following parts that we expose you below:
The first necessary condition to open a professional account will be to have a personal profile. It is a pre-step that you will have to take in all scenarios and situations.
Next, you will have to go to the company pages section. Through a very intuitive operation that will not involve any monetary expense.
These are the previous steps to form the company profile in this social network. With the contribution of the following data:
- El company name and optionally you can also indicate your email address. It is very important that you introduce it because it will give it more presence in these communication forums.
- Add the company logo and that it will be a very effective way to identify it to other users. With the measures that require you from this social network.
- Contribute a cover image in which your company or professional project is really reflected. This is because it is another reinforcement support like the previous one.
- make a description of the company. Its objective is that search engines can find you more easily. It is a process very similar to the one you do with the content on your website.
- Select the language of your page. It is an automatic process and very easy to develop since you can choose between twenty different languages: English, German, French and of course Spanish.
- Import all skills. You will have to put the aspects where you develop better and also in this section you can contribute up to a maximum of 20 professional priorities. It is something very similar to the recruitment platforms where you have to put the strengths of your professional profile.
Add multiple locations of your company's website. So that in this way, other people or companies have a much more complete profile about it. Although it is not advisable to enter a large number of pages since it can have the unintended effect.
Once you have entered all these data, it will be time for you to click so that they are published in a few seconds.
Management in the company profile
Another aspect that you should assess from now on is the management and maintenance of these simple data. For which, you have several options, although now we are only going to inform you of the most basic ones.
Through the "Manage" section you will have all the company pages on LinkedIn at hand. It is a very useful tool for the interests of your company because you can add and remove data depending on the new situation in the company.
If you want to add new administrators to your LinkedIn company page, you will only need to go to your administration panel. To immediately select the administrator tools. Through a process in its management that is very interactive and fluid and that you will be able to complete it in a very short space of time.
One of its advantages is that you can remove and add new or old administrators. So that from other companies they have a more real perception of the one you represent in those moments.
You even have the delete option this page for any reason. Although in this case it is a somewhat more complex operation and one that will surely require greater knowledge on your part.
Everything will be ready for you to reach more people through this social account. From where we can publish on LinkedIn as a company because it may be after all one of our demands to appear on this social network.
Benefits of Linkedin in the company
Of course, their contributions are many and diverse in nature as you can guess at this time. In any case, we are going to expose you to some of the most relevant and that can influence you to apply this strategy in business marketing.
- It is a powerful tool for find the best workers, as well as to insert job offers. It is increasingly common for companies to opt for this communication channel that reaches so many users.
- It is a remarkable social network that has a very large number of more active users than the rest. Where the positioning of your small and medium business can be more effective by being located in a platform that will satisfy these needs that you have.
- You can not forget that on Linkedin thousands and thousands of articles are shared every day that can help you meet the goals you want. From a professional point of view, not a personal one as it happens with other more generic social networks.
- You will find one wide offer of graduates and workers of all sectors and that can become a very remarkable tool to recruit personnel quickly and efficiently.
- And finally, do not forget that this social network has its meaning for all aspects related to the world of business and work. To the point that almost all its users look for some matter related to these segments of the productive sector.
How to improve the presence of your company in this social network?
You have a series of tools that can be very useful to highlight your presence in this professional social network. They will not cost you much effort to carry them out and on the contrary, there are many benefits that you can obtain from now on. Do you want to know some of the most relevant? Well, pay a little attention because perhaps at some point or other you need them to carry out your performances:
Make your website different
If you want to get involved in this social network, it will be essential that you comply with this premise. Do not forget that Linkedin is not a common user platform, it is something else.
In this sense, you can take advantage of the launch of a new product or a promotion to enhance the image of your commercial brand through this communication channel.
Be clear about your business activity
If you are going to develop activity on Linkedin, you must make the business you do business very clear. There are no worse things in this social network than the lack of definition on this aspect since it can harm your professional interests.
Promote a showcase of your e-commerce
Without a doubt, the fact that you can add product and service pages will be of great help to you. The messages will reach the recipients more effectively by being much more personalized through this business strategy.
Develop regular communication with users
Of course, it is very important that you consider a communication strategy through this network. It is one of the ways in which you can be in greater contact with the users or clients that most interest your professional activity.
Create community
One of the golden rules is that the more followers you have, the more messages you will start to receive and the level of engagement will be much more satisfactory than until now.