SpyFu; tool to analyze the competition of your business

spy fu

SpyFu is one of the best analysis tools for the competition, It has a lot of useful features and functions, although its user interface is unattractive. The tool offers both SEO and PPC options, along with a built-in keyword research tool.

What can you do with SpyFu

First, it must be said that this tool provides support for markets in the United States and the United Kingdom. Its set of tools and features include, SpyFu Kombat, sPYfU Classic, Keyword History, Smart keyword search engine, among others.

How Does It Work?

All you have to do is access the official website of the tool and then enter the URL of your competitor's page. Once you click on the Search icon, almost immediately you are shown a series of results that have to do with both the SEO and the PC of that site.

For example, you can instantly know the organic search and the total amount of words unique organic keys that have been viewed for that particular domain. You can also find out the estimated number of clicks from all organic keywords.

You can still know the incoming clicks from Google, both organic and paid, plus you have the opportunity to know which keywords your competition uses in Google AdWords.

Another cool thing about this tool is that you allows you to know a top of the competition's pages in terms of organic traffic they receive. Not only that, you can also know the ranking of organic keywords, along with the clicks that are made per month and last but not least, you also have the opportunity to check the inbound links of your competition's pages.

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