Storytelling in marketing is a very special figure and from which you can take advantage of in your business or electronic store if you know how to apply it correctly. It is a new generation concept that has been incorporated into digital marketing in recent years. Its meaning, more or less rigorous, is to connect with your users or customers through a message that you are transmitting. That is, start a story with your character and its plot. As if you were a writer although with substantially different objectives from all points of view.
Their strategy is based on something as classic as showing that your customers do not buy your product or your service. If not, on the contrary, they do it for an emotion or feeling that you can make them feel precisely through storytelling. This is a trend that has been applied with some frequency in recent years. As a consequence of the need to create stronger links between both parts of this process.
From this scenario, one of the aspects that we must analyze is how to apply storytelling in eCommerce. To ask us if you can help us improve our line of business, increase sales of our products or services or simply see how our page is positioned correctly against the competition companies. To show if these objectives that entrepreneurs in the digital commerce sector have in mind can be carried out.
The effects that are generated from a good story
Of course, telling a good story creates a positive emotion that inspires people to take action. From this point of view, it is a very positive action for online or digital companies. Among other reasons, because it can cause an idea to work for customers to feel involved in it. With a series of actions that can emerge at any time in the relations between both parties. As for example, those that we expose you next and that can help you to manage your business project.
When telling a story, what you transmit to the other party is a series of values, virtues and maybe even what you want to achieve in your business proposal.
- Do not doubt that your import, what in the end you are going to achieve is that trust is strengthened little by little. Perhaps without you realizing about their motivations.
- Encourage your clients or users strengthen your relationships with the business project that you represent in these precise moments.
- Represents a positive act that can represent many positive things for your business or digital store. More than you might think from the beginning.
- It favors, that of moments, the positive factors that you have as a flag in your commercial brand, differs from the rest. As a way to differentiate yourself from the competition's proposals.
- It is an idea or value that can hook your customers or users. With a more than relevant objective as it is that it prefers you over the proposals offered by your competitors within the digital sector in which you are involved.
A language based on emotions it is always motivating and it can get to strengthen the relationships of the commercial brand with its customers. To the point of creating a link that can go further than through more traditional or conventional strategies.
And finally, avoid that your customers do not buy your product or service through a much more innovative digital marketing strategy and with all certainty that with the efficiency more than assured. It is time to vary your approaches to achieve a good management of the development of your electronic commerce. Do not doubt that this action will be worth it in the end.
How to use storytelling to sell your products?
While on the other hand, the time has come for your online business project to progress from these precise moments. Do you know how to implement it more or less effectively? Well, perhaps in this aspect the application of this modern marketing system can be a very helpful element that you did not initially have.
There are many ideas that it can provide you to market your products, services or articles. With greater efficiency than through other more conventional models. But what is more important, from a greater optimization in the process and that can cause that the profitability of your digital project is more powerful from this moment. To the point that you have gotten the support you needed to achieve these goals in e-commerce.
From this general scenario, storytelling can become the solution to your business problems. Among other reasons because it can create a permanent image on the retina of customers or users. Through a completely innovative model that has come to stay in the digital marketing sector. As for example, through the following actions that we are going to expose you below:
- Creating a emotional connection that goes far beyond the initial message that is developed in the presentation of a product or service. So that in this way, the client is much more identified than through other commercial strategies.
- Tell a story with great persuasion which will have as its final metal the fact that customers or users better recognize the brand. With what your loyalty, on the other hand, will also be easier to carry out.
- Of course, these kinds of actions are aimed at build much more trust between the other part that is immersed in the process. With which, from now on it will be somewhat less complex to sell the product.
- La communication in values of the commercial brand is another of the strategies to which these actions are directed through storytelling. This in practice means something as simple as we can carry out a link between the two parts that are part of the commercial process.
- It is not just about selling a product, service or item. If not, on the contrary, the objective is broader since at the end of the day what it is about is establish some relationship guidelines between the online store and its customers. From more ethical approaches in the way of penetration of the commercialized objects.
How should you tell the story of your story
There is no doubt that this factor is very relevant when the storytelling is implemented. Because it will be the one that ultimately determines or not its real penetration of the target audience. To the point that you will have no choice but to ask yourself some questions that can be very important to meet your business expectations. As for example, in the following scenarios:
- What am I going to tell? It does not have to be a story without any meaning, but on the contrary it has to impact the client or user.
- What goals do I have in the short and medium term? If you do not set goals for yourself, you will not know what to do at home and therefore I will tell you very little convincing for everyone.
- ¿What benefit can I generate among users? Within the story that you present, this contribution cannot be missed since it will be totally essential to develop a powerful and above all credible message and that is one of the goals of storytelling.
- How did the idea for your digital business come about? Of course, it is a very emotional aspect that has a great impact on the other part of the process. So that they are what is the origin of electronic commerce and how you have had to fight to get to where you are at the moment.
- What are your intentions about the project? For the message to be even more motivating, it is very important that the customer or user be your intentions about the business. Although not in its entirety, at least about the closest goals that you want to achieve from now on.
Well, if you put into practice any of the ideas that we have mentioned in this article, there is no doubt that you will have achieved some things with storytelling. Among them the following:
- Improve the real image of the commercial brand in all aspects.
- More rational loyalty to the customer or user so that in this way they are more inclined or receptive to the products or services that you offer through your online store.
- The positioning of the web page will be much more remarkable than until now, with a greater identification of the products or services.
- Telling an experience that has helped you learn can become a happy pretext for others to get to know you better.
- For the end to reach a decisive conclusion: and that is none other than that you can be very useful to others.