This, perhaps, is the cutoff point between successful companies. Often times, we are so surrounded by competition and multiple businesses trying to break through, that we focus more on others than on ourselves. By that I mean that one of the ways on how to add value to your business is by looking at yours, and not the others. Unless we are in a sports competition, where you compete to be the best, here we compete to be unique.
Companies that try to copy and improve their competitors by putting their eyes on them often achieve the opposite effect. Many times, in the spirit of emulating someone, we will have faults and defects. Hasn't it happened to you that in certain brands or products, you see the reflection of something that you already knew in others? What happened to you? Has it generated trust or mistrust in you? That is the value, differentiating yourself from others, and it is not difficult if you believe in what you do.
Why is it difficult for us to add value to our business?
All humans have an innate tendency in our DNA to copy. Like it or not, you replicate and copy everything you see, and it will always be like that. Is human! From a young age, we tend to look at others to act like them. Because it is the right thing to do, and besides, they tell you that it must be like that. Thanks to this, you get to speak, education guidelines, knowledge and skills. And that's all very well, but you shouldn't always act like someone else would.
The same thing happens in business. There are some conditional bases that one must pursue. Promote yourself, offer your products, give a good image ... But always, under your own personality, which is unique, I assure you. Nobody has lived the same life as you, and as a whole, what your experience can contribute is unique. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in what others are doing, trust yourself. In addition, it is a loop that feeds itself, the more you trust yourself, and the more personality you have, the more you stand out, the more motivation, and the more you trust yourself again.
Examples of businesses with personality
An example of the extent to which your personality counts in the business is found on the Tesla car brand. I remember an interview with its founder Elon Musk, they asked him why he didn't advertise. His response was surprising, it explained how the car market was already very stabilized, and entering it was difficult. Elon Musk was clear that he had to make a car that stood out from the average, that was different, or it would possibly fail. The economic capital with which it had, resulted in that if it invested in advertising, it could not invest so much in R&D as to make a better car than the competition. So he just didn't advertise, and hoped his results would speak.
Another example we found it in apple, and in particular the price of its products. Apple, if it had focused on competition, probably would have lowered the price of its products to gain market share. However, it has been a brand that has always invested a lot in innovation, and the qualities of its products have stood out a lot. So much so that even offering its very expensive products, it has achieved good sales, and has grown to be one of the largest companies in the world. They never look at what others do, they go about their business and their philosophy, they are different and consumers know it.
How can you create value for a business?
Defined to what extent it is important to add our differential touch, now we have to apply it. I am going to present 4 tips on what measures you can adopt to apply it to your business.
Logo and Slogan
Personally, the most important. Every logo and slogan will be visible in each and every thing you do. Products, advertising, web, company philosophy, etc. Transmit what we rely on to sell and define our product gives us an immediate differentiating touch. The best example, Coca Cola. The power of your logo is unquestionable. Happy letters, the "c" in Cola higher than that of Coca, have you seen it? And its musicality? The tracing of happy and linked letters, and even the interlacing in Cola. Because your "tail" is more remembered than the rest.
And not least, his slogan, "Uncover happiness." Because we open the bottle, because we hope it is good, because we hope to have a good time, and if you share it with more people in the ad, the better. Coca Cola manages to relate its product to exactly what it describes.
This is why the logo and tagline are so important. Don't just chase, make them pretty. That they have a sense, a logic, as in chess, where a move translates into more than a single function.
Offer things that others do not offer
Pure benchmarking. Study and compare what others do, not to copy them, but to integrate or offer deficiencies that you perceive. This leads to going from one store to another, from site to site, from web to web, inquiring that what you have in mind is not already offered. A good example years ago was sending food home when no one else did, like Domino's Pizza. And when the others copied them, they gave the guarantee of delivery in maximum 30 minutes.
If you have the business launched, it is not a problem. Perpetuating the constant change that makes you differentiate, will not only allow you to consolidate clients. Each sale or service you make is an advertising bonus. If you don't believe it, remember Tesla cars.
Marketing and Advertising
Advertising is the first communication channel for those consumers who have not come into direct contact with our business. The best way to persuade them is originality. Highlighting our strengths is important, especially what makes us different from the rest. If we add to this a creative way of transmitting it, we will have many numbers that remind us.
Depending on the volume of business and budget, it is advisable to contact an advertising agency. Ordering advice on how to promote ourselves never hurts. Nowadays, advertising has developed a lot, and there are techniques and nuances with which to interact with potential clients that we would not often imagine.
constant innovation
Stay ahead. Always offer new innovations or services. Companies that stagnate and continue to offer the same tend to decline. Nails constant improvements, or integrate simple aspects that the competition offers and consumers appreciateIt is not a bad thing as long as the essence of the business is not lost. And above all, make sure that each step you take, you can easily adapt it.
A personal example. In his day I had a pizzeria. After a while, we integrated the home delivery. My efforts were very focused on the quality of the pizza, and they paid off. By integrating home delivery, it was a plus, and calls increased. Revenues rose, and we lacked time for the cast to be successful. I still remember a person who told him 20 minutes and his address was 150 meters away. It took me 1 hour. After a first call demanding the pizza, and a second with the angry customer, he told me that he did not want the pizzas. I also went to his house in person, I explained that I was sorry, and that I could have delivered the pizzas earlier, but my philosophy was quality over time. That I would make sure from now on to lower the time because I would hire staff and did not foresee so many calls. I did a 2x1 on him, and he slammed the door on me. Days later he called again, not to worry about the weather he told me! Exquisite pizzas, he repeated.
But we are not going to talk about pizzas.
This example is real, of the extent to which quality work and treatment help to integrate value in your business and differentiate yourself. Which brings us to the next point to consider.
Value within your company
Define what philosophy and values you want to convey. Ethics and morals among your employees, if you have them, and that they feel that what goes with you goes with them. Companies that make their employees feel like part of the business tend to perform better. And to offer a quality product, we need the business to function well. You can read a lot more about how to add value to your business in this same blog.
Acting with despotism or airs of greatness, usually leads to bad behavior and discontent. Humility has a reward, because if you treat those around you well, they will want to treat you well.
Customer service
This is not new, but the deal you offer is. All people want to be treated well, especially when they have placed their trust in you. Currently, many companies apply CRM strategy between employees and customers. Some of them do not comply with it on a day-to-day basis for that reason. It can be a smile every time someone is served. Even a phone call for a complaint handled with kindness, simplicity and speed, recover a confidence that was about to be lost. Or even, depending on the number of clients or the focus of your business, a more personal solution. That recognition, and placing value on your clients, does not fail and has never failed me. Because we all have our reasons, and we like to be treated well.
Conclusions of what value is
The value will be everything that we incorporate into our product and company that makes them unique. Innovation, advertising, the philosophy that we follow, even the treatment we have with the client. And above all, be clear about who we are and what we want to convey. From the service to our employees.
The more satisfaction our client has, the more value what we offer has. Remember, a dissatisfied customer does not matter, if you manage to redirect the situation and provide a solution where in the end they feel that they have bought something and received a better deal than what they paid for. If that customer returns, it is because they have appreciated the value of what you offer, and they will surely speak of you, for the good of your business.