Social media is something that is used both personally and professionally. And each of us has at least two social networks that he controls. But have you ever wondered how social networks work?
Beyond what it is to publish, connect, talk... do you really know what social networks bring out and how they work? so that certain publications, friendships, etc. come out? We try to explain it to you.
What are social networks
The first thing we should know about social media is that They are web pages or applications formed of a certain structure that connect people or companies with each other.
This has allowed people to shorten distances, being able to meet many people who, otherwise, you would not meet.
These have been around for a long time. In fact, in 1995 the first social network was created, called ClasMates. In it, obviously, it was only used to communicate with other university or high school classmates. But little else.
Of course, later they evolved and now we have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, Pinterest...
Types of social networks
Have you ever wondered what kind of social network you are using? Many times we do not realize how social networks work starting with the type. And there are two groups of social networks:
- Horizontal. They are characterized by covering a large group of people and the function is to connect users. An example, Facebook.
- Verticals. They are those that are created with a purpose and that encompass a specific objective. We could say that they are considered specialized networks because only users who have something specific in common connect to them. An example may be Linkedin, which is focused on the user's professional profile.
How social networks work
El The main objective of social networks, whether horizontal or vertical, generalist or vertical, is to connect people and companies and that these can have a communication.
However, the way of communicating is different in one case or another. A professional profile is not the same as a “leisure” or personal one. The way of expressing yourself, the objective you are looking for is totally different.
Therefore, knowing how social networks work can help you in a business or to create a personal brand.
Next, we talk about the main social networks.
Facebook is a network based mainly on contact between people. Too It is open to companies, online stores, businesses, etc. but it has the problem that the publications, unless paid for advertising, go unnoticed. It's like hiding them.
Therefore, when it comes to using it professionally with a page, you have to invest to help improve visibility.
It is more focused as an entertainment network than as a professional, so the tone of the publications must be more fun, ironic and perhaps striking.
Twitter is a social network where No distinctions are made in the profiles as to whether they are people, companies, personal brands, online stores... But it is a very fast network. The fact of writing very little makes people write a lot and draw threads and stories within others.
Here Opinions prevail over current affairs, more than advertising as an online store. What can be done? Of course, but a more personal profile in which posts that invite comments are given is preferred. And if it's just "buy, buy, buy" in the end it doesn't do you any good.
In this case we are talking about a network based on photography. It can be used both personally and professionally. The only one that little by little this second profile is losing visibility (especially since we are talking about Facebook (aka Meta)).
Quality images that attract attention prevail. As for the text, it is better to use emojis and hashtags since they make it reach more of the public.
TikTok and YouTube
We have put TikTok and YouTube together because, Although at first TikTok was more focused on fun, dances and teenagers, little by little it is opening up to other types of more “serious” videos.
There will come a time when it will be like YouTube, where you can find everything from tutorials, guides, music, information, company channels, etc.
Mind you, the way they work are different. In the case of TikTok, it is by video, recordings in vertical format, not very long and above all fun (even when the videos are serious).
And on Youtube there is a bit of everything.
In the case of Linkedin all publications must deal with professional issues. Here there is no room for publications that we would make on Facebook, because that social network is already there for that.
Of all the social networks, this is the one that works in a more specific way, focusing the subject of profiles and companies on business news, advances, etc. But always related to the business world or work.
If I already know how social networks work, how do I turn them into my advertising weapon?
After the above you can have a slight idea of what to do in each social network to boost your business. Each social network needs a type of strategy. The posts you will make on Facebook are not the same as those on Linkedin. Therefore, one of the biggest mistakes that is made is to put the same publication on all networks. Why?
- Because you do not follow the correct functioning of each social network.
- You are giving the same content on all networks, so why are they going to follow you on all of them?
- Why don't you bet because each network has its own essence and voice. It is a copy of one another.
That involves more work, of course, but there are more benefits in the long run.
Among the advice we can give you are:
- Create a specific strategy for each social network. With your posts, photos, your own voice (a way of writing), etc.
- Create a social media editorial calendar. In which the days and times to publish on each social network are established (and knowing what to publish on each one).
- Think about what makes you different. And promote it on social networks! If you create content that stands out from the competition and also connects with users, you can be much more successful.
Is it now clearer to you how social networks work?