How large companies use artificial intelligence in e-commerce

Artificial Intelligence

The great rise of the artificial intelligence in e-commerce It has paved the way for the exploration of new ways and strategies to bring this technology closer to customers and make their shopping experience much more pleasant and comfortable. In addition, the e-commerce industry, seeing itself bombarded with more customers every day, has to find strategies to provide its service to the huge number of users who visit its sites on a daily basis. The automated systems and lines of operations that use artificial intelligence should be a priority for large e-commerce entrepreneurs to solve all these problems that sooner or later will start to generate conflicts.

Some of the most popular and effective applications that are currently used in e-commerce taking advantage of the artificial intelligence technology in their operations are:


Chat robots greatly support providing sophisticated customer service immediately, supporting, resolving doubts and redirecting to areas where the best service can be offered.

Image and speech recognition:

This technology helps you perform advanced searches faster and more conveniently.

Advanced algorithms:

Commonly used in a very effective way in search engines, which show product recommendations to customers based on their tastes and interests, a very important tool for marketing mainly.

Smart assortment chains:

Some companies in China have been developing artificial intelligence technologies with which it is possible to predict the purchasing trends of certain products, this allows sellers to focus on developing their product, increasing or reducing their inventory and investing in supply operations. This type of technology can help to develop the transport of products through cities, shortening delivery times.

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