To define the future of the online business or formalized through the Internet, it is very important to know what the real profile of the Spanish online consumer is. To the extent that it can provide some of the keys to develop this professional activity from these precise moments. Because in effect, to a greater or lesser extent it depends on the lines of action carried out by Spanish clients or users.
Different studies have been carried out which show which are the constants by which these people move, this means the recipients of the products, services or articles channeled digitally. In this general context, it is very useful for all of us to learn more about the profile of the Spanish online consumer. You can even get the odd surprise.
It is based on the fact that a data that serves as the starting point for our conclusions. Where, of the total of the 27,5 million Spanish Internet users between the ages of 16 and 65, it turns out that un 71% of them has assured to buy online. This is a first idea that brings us closer to this profile that they are going to expose about national consumers, as well as their trends in shopping habits.
Online consumer, his majority profile
Of course, there is not yet a completely homogeneous profile, but on the contrary there are many nuances to reach these recipients of our products or services. From this perspective, there is no doubt that they can extract more consequences to better understand the digital sector from now on. With data like the ones we provide below:
More than half of the Internet users interviewed in the study have assured that in reality combine online and offline channels. But although the trend towards omnichannel is almost universal, the Annual Study of eCommerce in Spain 2018 found that the youngest Internet users have exclusive use of the most intensive online channel: 21% of online shoppers between the ages of 16 and 30 prefer this channel compared to 9% of users who are between 46 and 65 years old.
On the other hand, it is also shown in the study that women are more likely to prefer online shopping (51%) compared to men (49%). 58% of them have university studies, which represents 17 percentage points more compared to the results of the previous study. In another vein, on average, the Spanish online consumer is 41 years old: 39% of them are between 31 and 35 years old. In addition, the Spanish online consumer buy 3 times a montha spending around 77 eurosFigures that have remained stable compared to the results of the previous two years.
Channels used in digital purchases
Regarding this important section, it should be noted that 97% of Spanish online consumers purchase their products for the convenience they find in this channel, while the offer continues to be the preferred factor for 94% of them. While on the other hand, it is found that the computer continues to be the main device for making online purchases (87%), the smartphone continues to grow (45%) and is approaching these levels in decisions made by Spanish consumers. So that in this way, the computer loses eight percentage points, the same that the Smartphone has gained in preference in the mobile phone.
On the tastes or preferences in digital purchases the study affects that the entertainment and culture (68%), travel and stays (66%) and technology and communication (61%) are the three categories of products that Spanish online consumers have bought the most in the last year. Further back is fashion (57%), food (51%) and household products (49%). As a major trend in the digital sector and that explains some of the main motivations for current consumption in Spain.
Characteristics of digital profiles in Spain
Another aspect to consider from now on is the factor that has to do with the personality of the users most likely to make purchases in online formats. Of course, their properties are not homogeneous in all cases, but at least they maintain constants that are repeated in most situations. Do you want to know them to know a little better how your clients really are? Well, pay a little attention so that you can have some clues about your personal profile.
These are people who are closely linked to the habit of shopping and who in recent years have opted for digital sales channels. As the most satisfactory way to purchase products, services, articles and a wide range of material goods. From some very well defined characteristics that we are going to capture below and so that from now on you know a little better the profile of this class of users in their consumption habits. Such as the following:
These are people who are very linked to new communication technologies and therefore their access to these channels is much more frequent than in other less active profiles from the point of view of the interaction in this phase of the commercial process.
They are frankly very open to new trends in the field of consumption and as such they explore new fields of action with great frequency. From where they can satisfy their needs to provide themselves with any product or service they need at any time or situation.
On the other hand, it is necessary to value the fact that of course Spanish online consumers also look for information before deciding where to buy. They do not lightly opt for a platform, not even for a product with few references. In this sense, the latest sector reports suggest that Internet users prefer to find out about prices, products and services in 63% of the cases.
These same studies show with special intensity that among the most relevant reasons that have given them greater satisfaction are prices (56%), ease of use (53 %) and the catalog or what you can find in eCommerce, 48% of the time.
While on the other hand, it must be remembered that the factors that trigger low satisfaction are high prices (30%), products (30%) and the difficulty of using the platform, with 28% of cases. In this general context, it is very relevant that we try to conform our decision with the largest number of comparative data so as not to force it unnecessarily.
On the other hand, it is necessary to differentiate between what is a consumer and the concept of customer. Because in effect, although they seem the same thing, there are actually some small differences that you must establish to reach the desired conclusion. In which the consumer is fundamentally the person who is in charge of buying a product or service, but it does not always have to be the same brand, buying especially for convenience.
While on the other hand, the customer is that person who is loyal to a brand and buys it regularly. As you can see some subtle differences that are what will reveal its real and conceptual meaning. And that will be decisive so that at the end of the day we get to the central core of this article and that is none other than deciphering what the Spanish online consumer is like.
Online consumer actions
In addition, a very interesting fact about the behavior of online buyers in our country is that in the end they tend to buy during the week from your technological devices, but integrated into your own home. While on weekends these operations are formalized from their peripheral mobile devices. What in practice supposes a change of customs when facing their relationships with consumption habits. And beyond other series of technical considerations.
Another of the most relevant aspects in digital consumption is that which in the end has to do with a more active search for products. In the sense that the Internet consumer can reach more sources in this search before acquire su the service o product. That is, it is not an impulsive act as it may seem at first. If not, on the contrary, it is as a consequence of a desire that can be rationalized since we are part of this process. Despite the belief that they could house a good part of the people. So that in the end we have a very complete profile on Spanish digital consumers and that is, after all, what it was all about.
In this way, having clearer notions about the profile of consumers will be in a position to bring more advantages in operations. While entrepreneurs will have more filters to know their customers, they will be identified in groups in which their positions on consumption are much clearer.