The Facebook platform, Until 2017 it had around 1,94 billion users around the world, so if there is a social network that reigns above all others, that is, without a doubt, Facebook.
Taking into account only Facebook users in Spain, it is estimated that there are more than 20 million.
Facebook, apart from being the predominant social network today, is also one of the most controversial social networks, This is due both to their unilateral and often very disrespectful way of acting as well as the sensitive issue of respect and sensitivity to the privacy of the personal data that users grant to the platform.
Facebook is a platform that also likes to absorb the smallest ones, such as the purchase of Instagram, for example with which Facebook tries to create synergies between the two, so it is very certain that it will continue trying to exploit the possible synergies with the other existing ones in the future.
Facebook's purchase of Instagram It is a very interesting and important strategic move since Instagram is the platform that dominates the "glamor" of social networks, it is the fashion network but it is not only in that, since it has also become a great source of income and it has even managed to generate profits to such an extent that it is a livelihood for many of the “Instagramers " that are active.
To such a degree has everything that already exist Instagram professional courses in which there are many people who are participating. All this is about a social movement of great size and importance on the monetary issue that should not be ignored.
How Facebook works
Know the basic operation of the Facebook platform It should be something almost mandatory since it is part of the current social culture and greater knowledge of it, greater protection of our own data.
In essence this platform works in a very simple way, since it is a network that connects people with other people.
The moment you open an account on Facebook, you are entering a social network that connects friends, family and business partners.
But there have also been several changes, in part this has been the key to its success and its continued validity among users, although Facebook has been and continues to be oriented, above all, to individuals, as time passes, companies and brands have found a great market and advertising possibility In order to reach more audiences or even a specific audience, they have moved from television to the internet because now the mass concentration is there, that's why it is a great investment to have at least one Facebook page.
However, the network continues with a focus on personal relationships
The basic functionalities of Facebook are:
- It allows you to find friends in a very simple way with its search engine
- You have the ability to share resources, be they web pages, photos of everything you want (restrictions apply), videos, etc.
- A relative new function is the one that allows you to take surveys, although every so often there are updates and more functions are launched so that you can better enjoy Facebook.
- Create groups
Accounts with a named "timeline" in which, all those activities of yours are saved, it is also known as "Your biography" which is simply what was previously known as "Wall"You have the option to modify the level of privacy and accordingly, your things will be visible to more or fewer people, you decide.
You can organize your Facebook in such a way that you can share content to exclusive people or create lists of people to differentiate your publications, friends can be organized in lists:
- Best friends
- Family
- Other
These lists have a functionality very similar to those of Twitter.
You can organize what you share in interest lists, to which your friends can subscribe and you can also subscribe to the lists created by your friends.
An example for this is that you can create a list of music, your work and another one about fun and your friends can sign up according to their interests.
Through the Facebook search engine You have the possibility to explore groups of all kinds of topics, as simple as entering keywords of possible groups and the results will instantly show the groups that match what you are looking for.
For example, if you type any word of your interest, the search engine will generate results from all the existing groups with that keyword and to which, you can request to join, you can contact all its active members, you can exchange advice, experiences, etc.
The Facebook Platform it is primarily a visual place in which images are very important.
You can through them, share all the things you have done
- Events you've been to
- A good buy in a store
- You hang out with friends, etc.
You can also highlight the images, this is also a way to make them more permanent, you ensure that more people see them, you can also organize them in your personal collection of photo albums that will be displayed in your biography.
Facebook applications They are external programs that are developed by third parties and work in a similar way to the extensions of any browser, they serve to extend and improve the standard functionality of Facebook.
There are a huge number of applications for almost all kinds of purposes:
- Utilities
- Games
- News
- Music
But there are also apps like Spotify that are installed like any other on your computer or mobile device, but have the ability to integrate with Facebook are what you can, among other things, share with others your musical interests and at the same time, get to know those of your friends.
More and more sites allow authenticate yourself as a user through Facebook, these options have become popular and at the same time they have become something very comfortable to do, since with these options the number of credentials that would have to be managed for all the applications or activities that you can do with your mobile device and you save user registration processes that, depending on the application, can be very time consuming and difficult.
The purpose of Facebook is that you can share your personal life, just as if you opened a window to your house and daily life but if you learn this well, you will have the possibility to control how much exposure you want to have.
Always keep in mind the level of reach that Facebook has, in Spain alone there are more than 16 million people who use Facebook, around one in three Spaniards or even one in two, so if you are not aware of this, you will run many risks by letting anyone can know what to do throughout your days.
In a very short time, people can become aware of the lives of others, which gives that feeling of closeness, which can also be very beneficial to friends who are far away so that they do not disappear permanently.
The movie
Facebook has gained so much social and economic importance that even He already has his own Hollywood movie, that movie is called "The Social Network", it addresses the evolution of the platform that began with Mark Zuckerberg and that was nothing more than a diversion for some students of the American university of Harvard and that little by little grew to be the great monster that it is now
We can say that Facebook ...
It is a social platform that has a very simple and attractive environment, gives you the facility of uploading photos and links to web pages to share them with all the people you choose, which is why it is a perfectly designed platform for interesting information to circulate, said information can circulate either at a broader level that is to what we call viral phenomena or it can also circulate in a smaller and controlled environment, which is among the immediate network of friends.
The application is at your complete disposal and allows you to synchronize the contacts of your smartphone with Facebook.
Of course, this means that much of the information you receive will be according to the people you follow or the pages that interest you, in other words, everything revolves around the friends you have added ...
This gives you the opportunity that with good criteria according to your tastes or needs, you can make an efficient selection and make Facebook a place where you can not only interact with your friends, but also receive a lot of information. useful and entertaining for you.
It is sad that a company controls certain of thousands of data of who knows in the future to use.
I think it is important to know how a platform like this works and protect my information.
Let's see, please, I would like to know how to recover the chat I was having with a woman who was meeting, a resident of Alhama. His name is Odalys and just this morning talking to us and greeting them that suddenly the communication by chat was cut off. It has annoyed me a lot. I have neither phone nor whasap from her but I hope there is some way to regain communication Please someone help me if you know how.