A few years ago, children wanted to be famous, bullfighters and any other profession that was usual to see on television. But that changed and now many dare to open a YouTube channel to try your luck and become influencers. But also because with that they earn an extra. But how do youtubers make money?
If you have never considered this channel other than to watch or make videos, you should know that, if done well, you can get quite an interesting bonus. And it can even come in handy to know this if you have an online store.
Streaming platforms for youtubers
as you know now Youtube does not only exist to create videos and monetize themthere are quite a few more options. However, it is true that a few years ago you only had YouTube. This was a great platform where we came across many videos from different categories.
And, in them, you could see advertising. Even the protagonists of the videos could advertise products or brands and earn money from it.
But now we not only have Youtube, there is also Twitch, it is that a platform to which many are switching because it pays, as they say, much more than on YouTube; Instagram or TikTok, which although they are networks not directly focused on video (at least the first), are beginning to monetize for their videos.
how much do you earn on youtube
Right now, if you wanted, you could create a YouTube channel for free. And start to record live videos or upload them normally and earn money. But the truth is that monetization strategies are neither as fast nor as easy as creating the channel.
And it is that first of all you have to comply with the conditions that they ask of you and take into account that on YouTube, as it happens on Google, Facebook... there are algorithms that can launch your videos or put them in the darkest corner of the platform so that nobody see them.
The earnings of YouTube videos are usually related to the views that each video has. So if you had millions of them you could make quite a bit of money. In general, one of the first earnings that a youtuber has has to do with views; every 1000 reproductions they pay you x money. It is what is called RPM.
But it also influences the type of advertising that is inserted in the videos and other aspects of the algorithm that are not revealed and that can make you earn more or less money.
Requirements to earn money on Youtube
Before talking to you about how youtubers earn money, you have to know that there are some minimum requirements that must be met in order to monetize the channel. Otherwise, you would not be able to obtain those benefits.
These are not difficult to get, but you do have to keep them in mind:
- Have at least 4000 hours of total playback and viewing within 12 months.
- Have a minimum of 1000 subscribers.
- Get your first 100 euros with your YouTube account. It is because it only leaves you one means of payment, but later you can collect the money by transfer or by check.
- Have Google Adsense account.
how do youtubers make money
Now that you know a little more about the above, we are going to focus on the ways that YouTube has to "reward" the effort of its youtubers. In other words, how YouTubers make money for you to make the decision if it would be a good opportunity for you.
In general, there are several ways to earn income from Youtube (charging from this platform or from other companies/people). These are:
Ad revenue (views)
It is the best known. Do you remember when you watch a video and you get advertising on top of the video that you then close? Well, those are advertising banners that represent an income for youtubers. You can also put spots.
Here you leave a list of all types of advertisement that can be placed:
- Display: These are ads that appear in the right column of the videos.
- Overlays: they are the ones that appear when you are watching the video at the bottom.
- Skippable video ads: These are the ones you see before, during or after the video. In this case you can skip them to not see them.
- Non-skippable: they are the same as the previous ones but in this case you cannot remove them, you have to see them if you want to continue with the video.
- Bumper: they are videos of less than 6 minutes that will always be before the video starts.
The main advantage of the ads is when they come from hiring companies on YouTube, since the CPM (Cost per thousand views) tends to rise and, with it, also the RPM (revenue per thousand views) of YouTubers. In other words, you earn more if external companies hire that advertising.
advertising revenue
These are different from views, because it has nothing to do with seeing a video a lot, but because they pay you to have that specific advertisement.
We could say that these are what we told you about CPM before. What's more, by linking it with your Adsense account, you will collect more money than with Youtube, especially if the campaigns that come to you in the form of advertising are powerful.
It is something that many do not know, but there is an option where you can allow users to join your channel as subscribers paying a monthly fee in exchange for exclusive benefits.
Premium Youtube
Do you close the ad as soon as it comes out? Well, with this option Youtube gives you the opportunity to earn money even when that advertising is removed.
Merchandising showcase
It is ideal for online stores because you give the opportunity for your followers to buy items from your brand or company through YouTube earning money for it.
Influencer marketing
In this case it is not something that comes out of Youtube, but they are companies that would contact you to make “collaborations”, where youtubers receive information about a product and have to recommend it, or name it, to get paid for that mention.
As you can see, there are many ways to earn money on YouTube. And all of them are used by youtubers. But if you have an eCommerce you could also make a profit through a channel. Have you ever considered it?