Mobile payment is one of the factors that is having the greatest impact on the e-commerce development In our country. Due to the increasing preference of this management in the payment of purchases by Spanish consumers. A fact that has worsened in recent years and to the point of generating trends in digital purchases have varied substantially in recent years.
Within this general context, it should be noted that a well-known study recently carried out by SalesForce has shown that more than 60% of e-commerce traffic was monopolized by consumers using or using mobile tools in these monetary operations. This is so revealing that it confirms the tremendous influence of mobile devices in the purchase and sale of products online.
When referring to mobile devices we are not only referring to phones with these characteristics. If not to others, such as tablets and derivatives of new technologies and that a gap has been made among the preferences of Spanish users. In this sense, it is enough to observe our closest environment to calibrate this new trend in consumption.
Mobile payment: what are its advantages?
In the first place, to highlight this reality in current consumption, it will be necessary to expose what is the added value in this means of payment. Because in fact, there are many, and of diverse nature, the benefits that can be provided to you from now on. Among which are the following that we are going to reflect below:
Of course, one of its great advantages is the speed in operations. To the point that in a very short space this monetary movement will have developed.
It is a payment method that is characterized above all by its comfort and that in all cases we will ensure that we always have the money we need at hand. The reason is because all of us are used to always carrying with us our mobile phone or other technological device that supports payment operations in online purchases.
La to maximise security and your enjoyment. of other factors that incline us to the use of this means of payment. In this particular case because it becomes much safer than with credit or debit cards. And it is that all the payment information is stored encrypted on a chip inside the Smartphone.
Their movements are very easy to perform and therefore it allows us that we will only have to worry about bringing our telephone closer to the payment terminal to formalize our purchases. We will only need to make a secure download of the application that we consider most appropriate at all times.
It is a means of payment very advanced that is prevailing in digital purchases. Fed up to the point that some of the digital platforms only support this means of payment. So if you don't have it, you won't be able to purchase your products or items from online stores.
Disadvantages of this monetary payment system
In any case, as it is logical to foresee, there are not only advantages that it brings to customers or users. If not, on the contrary, also some other disadvantage that is important to mention at this time. Do you want to know some of the relevant ones that you may not know about? Well, we tell you below so that you have the complete reality about this product to make digital payments.
- The main one is that not all digital platforms are currently prepared to collect your operations commercial through these technological devices.
- Customers are somewhat dependent on the life of the batteries in these new technology tools. To the point that in some cases it can make you play a trick and even the fact of not being able to make the purchase in your virtual store.
- You are more at the expense of new technologies and from this point of view you have to have all the instruments to carry out these commercial and monetary operations. Not surprisingly, not all users have these technological means to carry out the payment of their purchases or acquisitions.
- And finally, the fact that it can create a greater dependence on digital devices, with some very negative effects regarding your behavior patterns in consumption. Despite its undoubted growth that it has experienced in recent years, as affected by the most important studies in the market.
The mobile trend is skyrocketing
The mobile trend is here to stay in our country, as evidenced by the IAB Spain Annual Mobile & Connected Device Study. In which it is found that online shoppers from mobile devices is on the rise: 82% of mobile users have bought some type of item compared to 77% who did so in 2017.
Amongst the main drivers of purchase from smartphone there is the comfort, for having it always at hand (58%), and the ease (53%) that it offers. Fashion is the most purchased product in online purchases, and the most common among women (65%) and among those under 35 years of age (61%). The Smartphone also plays a relevant role in the purchase of food at home, as in other segments of digital commerce.
While on the other hand, and according to this study on user shopping habits, about 74% of users declare that they have clicked on advertising of their interest when browsing from their smartphone and 65% when browsing. from your tablet. In 2019 greatly increases interest in interacting with advertising on the topic of technology on Smartphone.
Types of payments in electronic commerce
Within this sector, different means of mobile payment have been enabled that can be very useful for customers who opt for online purchases. Although payment in cash is still the most used system to pay in Spain (77%), followed by debit cards (56%) and credit (51%). Next are electronic payment methods (43%) and, in last place, mobile payments (8%), that is, those that allow payment by mobile phone at the establishment itself. On the other hand, it is important to note that both e-commerce and mobile payment are the means of payment that have been growing in recent years and their rise seems to be maintaining a stable and progressive trend.
Another aspect that is stressed is that mobile payments provide another series of characteristics that are closely linked to digital companies. As for example, some of those that we expose from now on:
Mobile payment is gaining ground and many users already do all their operations with this more innovative subscription model.
Some online platforms now only support mobile payment to the detriment of the rest and which encourages its use to be imposed little by little. Especially among urban consumers, with high purchasing power and especially with a younger profile than the rest.
In addition, they can solve some other unwanted scenario by the holders of this means of payment. Because indeed, one of its great advantages is its great immediacy and that is what makes this tool open to all kinds of situations in digital commerce. As for example, in some of the scenarios that we point out below:
- To make purchases in very short time and that an electronic channel is needed to formalize the operation.
- Before the lack of other means of payment at that time more conventional or traditional. As in the specific case of credit or debit cards. Not surprisingly, they can help you get out of trouble when you least expect it.
While finally, it should be noted that you should get some of these tools in payments. Because its implementation is going to grow in an unstoppable way over the next few years. And who knows if when making any kind of online purchases they will request this means of payment, but exclusively. Therefore, you have to stock up with one of these tools to manage purchases in virtual stores from these very moments.
Of course, you will not have problems to achieve it and with the added value that there are many contributions that it can generate in your relationships with the digital commerce sector since it is after all what is involved in these scenarios every time more frequent among national consumers. So if you don't have it, you won't be able to purchase your products or item from online stores to optimize this kind of monetary operations.