According to the information published by the communications regulator CNMC, ecommerce in Spain has increased by 24.8% during the first quarters of 2017. During these first three months 6.8 billion euros were spent in online markets, while the number of transactions was found with an increase of 31%.
El higher increase It was found in the field of travel and tourism, which accounted for 13% of total e-commerce in Spain, followed by air transport (11%) and clothing (6%).
Growth of ecommerce in Spain
During the first three months of the year more than 115 million transactions took place in the Spanish market. This is a 31% increase over the period last year. Direct marketing, CDs, books and newspapers are the fields of activity with the highest percentage of ecommerce transactions.
55% of transactions were carried out in Spanish websitesThis being 6.8 billion euros that was spent online by consumers only in the first three months of 2017. 55% was made on Spanish pages, while the remaining 45% were made on pages in foreign locations. It is also reported that 93% of purchases were sent to countries of the European Union, the remaining 3% were sent to the United States.
The information provided by this study conducted on European markets does not bode well for more than good news for ecommerce in Spain, We find great growth in very varied fields of the online market, it also gives us the great certainty that, although only a little more than half of the sales are made on Spanish pages, almost the majority of these sales are sent directly towards European and not external countries.