Gmail is one of the many tools that billionaire company Google offers, this has the function of having a email with the domain being "@". Google for several years, based on the Gmail information of several users, this same one generated certain personalized ads for each user, for example, if you were registered through their google mail to a sportswear site, it was very likely that when you went to Google, you would notice various sportswear advertisements.
Recently the company located in Mountain View, California, Announcement in a statement to its Gmail users that the practice of analyzing the data of each user to generate personalized advertising will cease, Google says that, however, the practice of generating personalized advertising for each user will not end, given that they use other sources of data or information in order to continue having them.
However, Google declared that it will not stop analyzing emails received by its users with a Gmail account, only that the information within these will not be used to produce personalized advertising for each of its users.
All this was caused because privacy advocates They had already sued on this matter, since, in the Gmail conditions, it specifies in a clause that certain email data will be analyzed, given in illegal situations such as detection of terrorist acts or exchange of child pornography, however , the use of this data should not be used for something as trivial as advertising.
This statement was a way of respecting the online privacy of each user given that the analysis of an email with the simple purpose of placing advertising for each user, I consider it something ridiculous, I feel that this was the best move that Google could make on this subject.