Google Campus Madrid: a little piece of Silicon Valley in Spain

Google Campus Madrid logo

In the Arganzuela neighborhood, one of the driving forces of young people who want to undertake takes place. A XNUMXth century factory houses the Google Campus of Madrid, a center that aims to increase innovation and technological development in Spain. In just three years, Google Campus has been noticed among the main countries of the world. In fact, there are only six similar spaces that provide the engine to young people like the one in Spain, which was the fourth to be held.

The Google Campus in Madrid is a piece of Silicon Valley on Spanish soil. And that's the idea mainly. Google is characterized by always being at the forefront of innovation without a doubt and we think that entrepreneurs in this sector have to grow and be connected in the purest Silicon Valley style.

The innovation factory that Google puts in our country has more than 2.500 square meters of facilities and services state-of-the-art for entrepreneurs, made up of three levels. On the ground floor is the huge cafeteria that can be accessed by anyone. The chairs, tables and sofas with the greatest comfort and with the best internet service to spend some time of relaxation and leisure while remaining connected. This room is open from nine in the morning to nine at night.

The director of the Google Campus Madrid, mentions that companies that are still in the incubator phase and are in full development work here.

Cafeteria Level 0 in Google Campus Madrid

people working on campus

Inside this warehouse that used to generate electricity, around 40.000 creative members gather and in which more than 30 companies work hard, in search of an opportunity and to carve an important niche in the concrete jungle. The startups are located in the noble area of ​​the factory; between second and third level, since for their perseverance they have attracted the trust and the eyes of two of the many companies associated with Google: it is SeedRocket and Tetuan Valley.

In addition to having an idyllic location to work, which is intended in the Google Campus in Madrid, is to join the ties between the thousands of young Spaniards who seek to advance their ideas and tools developed by a new company.

The idea is practically to sponsor the little ones and not so little ones, give them the tools together, as well as technological and economic support so that they can fulfill all their proposed projects.

During a period of between 9 months and a year approximately, they are usually working hard, for the organizers it is a pride to see young people succeeding in what they like the most, without anything to stop them, offering them opportunities and business connections.

Teach and help the new generations

google campus room in madrid

One of the Firsts in this Google Campus is the help provided between the different companies as a fundamental pillar, this is what the Campus director highlights, who mentions that the collaborative environment that exists must be contrasted, and although in some cases total success is not consolidated, there are many others that continue to grow and become popular for their innovative ideas and contributions to the community. In most cases, startups present problems at the beginning, mainly of monetary and human capital to carry out what is necessary, that is why Google supports all companies and motivates them to help each other to achieve autonomy.

Second floor of the Google Campus in Madrid

dining room of the google campus in madrid

Teaching young people is another of the firsts that Google frequently considers on Campus. Through its successful projects and conferences given by the company, which seek to provide knowledge and bases to all interested startups, so that they have the guidelines set and do not get lost in the way of starting a new business.

For what has recently been launched the Campus Residence, that is, learning days. Every week conferences are held by the best experts on the main topics, according to Sofía Benjumea, the most qualified people are brought in to train future ideas, a hotbed of creativity and innovation.

The atmosphere

The atmosphere of the place is perfect to be able to think that within those walls great things can be achieved.

Due to the project maturity that here are consolidated, together with the largest companies in the IT and technology sector, it is almost a fact that many young people leave the Campus with a renewed mind with fresh ideas and with all the attitude of changing what has already been done, breaking paradigms , without fear of change or rejection, but with a well-planned strategy of what is required for any idea to have the expected success.

El constant support for young people has been one of the main engines of Google to get the cutting-edge technology with exceptional quality, offering the fastest and most popular browser, the mail with the best capacity and compatibility, free storage for photos, contacts, notes, one of the best software for smartphones and the most popular worldwide. This is all about a collective work, from the ideas of many people that were raised at first as utopian, but were becoming reality until they became indispensable tools in the daily life of many people, for work and for social and personal life.

Google for Entrepeneurs originated in favor of creative ecosystems outside the United States. They carry out an activity similar to that carried out in sports such as soccer, where players from other parts of the world are visualized, to capture their talent and offer them a job and therefore the opportunity to collaborate in a global company, only in In the case of Google, the team is made up of thousands of people across the globe, so collective strength and teamwork, is clearly the key to the success that has led Google to become a technology powerhouse.

Note that the most of Google's products are free, It seeks to solve the problem first, and then the monetary benefit, only some packages of extra space in the cloud and things like that, represent a cost for the user, but in general terms, the North American company offers almost all its products in a free and with the best quality.

Always with the purpose of offering all people a practical and accessible way to solve problems of many characteristics, the lucrative benefit comes later, when Businesses pay to appear first in searches on their server, or through YouTube ads and general advertising, that although it becomes annoying at times, it keeps the company afloat, which is very convenient for all the inhabitants of this planet, to always seek globalization.

From the beginning, Google realized the immense power that physical spaces have to interconnect people. Many interesting and prosperous projects are born in environments equal to those of the Madrid Campus, which has everything necessary to cultivate the great ideas that may arise spontaneously here.

Google across the world

working rooms in google campus madrid

Talent grows in every part of the world constantly, every minute new talents are born capable of improve today's world, because Google is not only concerned with offering cutting-edge technology in the present, but they also visualize the company a lot in the future, which wants to be involved in improving various social aspects such as global internet coverage, lack of water, energy or certain pollution and transport problems, that can be solved and better planned, with tools and with the development of new technologies adapted to the current circumstances of the planet, this can only be achieved with collective intelligence, with social intervention, with the contribution of good ideas.

Because in Google is not just searching and finding on the internet, They are concerned about leaving a mark on the planet by contributing their ability to influence people to raise awareness and guide more people who have this hidden talent to exploit it at the Madrid Campus.

You do not need to be a hacker or computer expert, for that they are all together, to contribute individual skills and collectively support good ideas.

Technically, it is not necessary that you have a career in computer science or mastery and mastery of it, it is enough that you have the initiative and creativity, which can help the Google team to convince themselves that things can be done differently, and that they can be done better.

Google has created thousands of jobs for young entrepreneurs Thanks to this program, it has become a total success, motivating the Silicon Valley multinational to continue building more Google Campus around the world, due to the success obtained in Madrid.

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