We all know, have visited or heard from him great search engine that is googleWe have heard a lot from him over the years from inception to date. Google has many types of programs such as an email system, maps, agendas and they also have a lot of income for being one of the largest sites in terms of advertising and marketing. And as for the Online marketing This is Google has revealed a program that could have a great influence on online marketing.
Google unveiled its new program "Google Attribution ”a digital tool that counts and measures the effectiveness of various online marketing campaigns. This program also provides you with advice for your own online marketing campaigns, which can bring great help for new e-commerce sites that need advertising and marketing to make themselves known, this could be one of the greatest helps for companies and companies for your online marketing.
But unfortunately the program is not ready yet, since it is only focused on small businesses. The benefit that this brings with it is that it will offer a great feedback to design online campaigns and help its users to have a good online campaign.
Apart from announcing this tool, Google revealed several online tools that will provide data on marketing, they announced to new Adwords featureAlthough it is only in its beta stage, this program provides information on which are the most used words and around this it can provide help to start a campaign.
The more help new companies can receive to make themselves known the better, since there are some companies that do not know anything about this type of online marketing, and it is very good to see large companies like Google help others in this regard. .