Global growth of ecommerce in FMCG in Spain


According to a recent report published by the consulting firm Katar Worldpanel, the Ecommerce in mass consumption has experienced growth in sales significant up to 48 billion dollars around the world and only in this last year.

Electronic commerce in Spain has also grown

The data clearly shows that there is a growth of 15% compared to 2016, establishing the share of mass consumption by 4.4% internationally. It is interesting to mention that the Ecommerce in Spain it has also benefited from this growth.

The report reveals that online shopping in Spain generated 533 million euros in mass consumption, only so far this 2016. This represents 26% more than what was presented throughout 2015.

Overall, 3.7 million people in Spain have resorted to the large consumption to make some type of purchase online, which represents an increase of 670 thousand more than in 2015, spending on average around € 145.

It is still necessary to consolidate the Ecommerce in Spain

But while it is true that these figures are positive, the reality is that the e-commerce in Spain does not end up taking off. For Florencia García, director of Kantar Worldpanel, the business behind the Ecommerce that drives the shopping basket, is still very small in Spain.

The good news is that large distribution companies have already realized that electronic commerce is a powerful customer loyalty tool. This means that Ecommerce will allow them to remain in the consumer's memory once mass consumption is definitively consolidated.

Finally and with regard to type of products that Spaniards buy online, what stands out is that these are pantry products. That is, water, milk, toilet paper, in addition to other products such as cosmetics or perfumes.

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