How to get more product reviews for your Ecommerce

product reviews

Product reviews in e-commerce They are of great importance, since they tell potential customers if it is convenient to buy an item or service. Reviews or comments, not only can help increase sales, but also they are suitable for increasing search engine traffic.

Why are reviews important in ecommerce?

There are many reasons why comments or reviews are important in ecommerce, starting with the fact that more than 80% of customers read the comments, in addition to 70% of buyers, they are more likely to buy if an Ecommerce offers this type of feedback.

Comments on Ecommerce products can also lead to better web positioning. For buyers, there is no question of the great benefit of obtaining product information from other buyers. There may be great images or videos of the products, however, people like to hear what those who have already bought those products think.

How to get more reviews in your Ecommerce?

To get more feedback on the products that you offer in your Ecommerce, The first thing you should do is optimize your site so that it is easy to leave a comment. There are many plugins that can be easily installed such as WooCommerce, which offers a tracking plugin.

The AutomateWoo plugin, It does more or less the same, you simply configure an email, schedule a certain number of days after the purchase has been made and a message is sent requesting you to make a Review or comment on the product you have purchased.

Many sites of e-commerce have been successful with the reviews of their products, by offering a special reward or discount for commenting. What they do is ask the buyer to write a review of the product and in return they send them a coupon that they can exchange for a 5% discount on their next purchase.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
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  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.