Find a provider Reliable and secure hosting it can be a really complicated task. Newcomers are often trapped and confused, so they end up opting for a provider that offers unlimited space or more commonly, for the price. The truth is that there are many more things that must be considered to be successful in the choosing a web host.
It is no secret to anyone that reliability and speed and access problems concern the most webmasters or site administrators. Many Hosting providers detail the pros and cons of their services, however they usually leave out a very important aspect: The time of activity.
For an Ecommerce site, your business downtime as a result of slow speed, it simply translates into the loss of customers. Users are not usually patient and if a page takes too long to show you, they do not hesitate to abandon it and look elsewhere. Therefore, in general terms, a good Hosting provider will offer uptime of 99% or more.
This is then the web hosting service which should be targeted since the faster our site loads, the better the experience of visitors or potential buyers. There are even web hosting providers who are so confident in their activity percentage that they even offer a money-back guarantee in case the activity percentage falls below what is advertised.
And it is also a fact that finding a Reliable and secure hosting It should not be a price-focused task. There is no doubt that we all seek the best prices in web hosting, however reliability and maximum performance require an investment. If you are not willing to cover this expense, you run the risk of hiring a Hosting that in the long run will end up generating more expenses than benefits.