Financial, the first platform of alternative financing for SMEs specialized in discounting invoices and promissory notes, has been selected and invited by the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX), to participate in the London FinTech Week 2015, one of the industry's benchmark events FinTech.
In order to promote financial technologies in the new business models in Spain, Finanzarel will participate in the round table Meet the Start-ups: Greetings From Spain.
The Spanish startup will attend the various presentations and debates at FinTech Week. Your participation will focus on the round table Meet the Start-ups: Greetings From Spain, which will take place on Friday, September 18.
The main topic of the discussion is the situation of FinTech in Spain and the growth it has had in the last year that has culminated in the creation of the Spanish Association of Financial Technology, which Finanzarel co-founded.
Financial technologies in Spain
One of the main objectives of Finanzarel's participation in FinTech Week is to promote and project the financial technology sector in Spain. The development of this new sector implies new opportunities to invest in Spanish capital for foreign investors, such as, for example, the discount of promissory notes and advance payment of invoices of small and medium-sized Spanish companies.
Spanish legislation protects the collection of these commercial bills, which makes the Spanish FinTech sector attractive for any investor. In this way, investors are able to diversify their investment portfolio and superior returns thanks to the specialties and legal protections of Spanish promissory notes and invoices.
During the meeting, Paulino de Evan, co-founder and CEO of Finanzarel, will explain the present and future of the fintech sector in Spain and more specifically about alternative financing, what is the branch where the startup is present.
Alternative financing, also known as crowdlending It is gaining ground in the financial market and it is going to change the way of operating with traditional banking. Only in 2013, alternative financing platforms moved around 11,8 million euros.
FinTech Week, innovation in the financial technology sector
FinTech Week is a fair and congress on innovation in the financial technology sector The FinTech Week will be held during the week of September 14 and is one of the most important FinTech events held in Europe in order to bring together the financial technology community and create the largest networking network in the sector.
After the international success and the repercussion of the 2014 edition, the purpose of this year is to bring together again in the financial capital of Europe the professionals of this new sector and to improve the dialogue between the companies and newly created platforms to continue promoting the FinTech sector.
If you want more information about FinTech Week
FinTech sector
FinTech, the abbreviation of the words technology and finance (in English: technology and finance) is the name that has been given to the companies and platforms that operate in this new booming sector and that offer financial services applying new technologies.
The FinTech sector is very extensive as it includes a wide variety of financial products and services. Finanzarel, as a financial-technological platform, is in the field of Alternative Financing, a system endorsed and extended throughout Europe also known as crowdlending.
Until recently, traditional channels have represented up to 100% of the financing funds of SMEs which, due to their excessive regulation and rigidity, have on many occasions been ineffective. That is why the need has arisen to build a new form of financing with respect to conventional loans for both SMEs and the self-employed.
Finanzarel offers a pioneering and effective alternative for the financing of many businesses, without which their solidity or continuity would not be possible. In addition, the use of technology helps to design very agile processes and allows companies to obtain their financing in about 48 hours, without hidden costs, long-term contracts or contracting additional services. Therefore, the most notable advantages of Finanzarel are agility, transparency, flexibility and price.
About Finanzarel
Finanzarel was born in 2013 as a pioneering initiative in banking disintermediation that offers new short-term financing solutions for companies.
Located within the FinTech sector (financial technology),
Finanzarel is an initiative located within the FinTech sector and aimed at opening new financing channels for companies outside the traditional banking market, putting companies in contact with professional investors. Their extensive experience in the financial sector as well as the financial strength of the investors who operate in their marketplace allows them to offer a new financing alternative to companies.
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