This article may be one of the most important and important in relation to knowing how to act. You will see that in the end, brand image errors are closely linked to not wanting to commit them. The perception of ourselves is closely linked to the attitude with which we do things. That is when with the spirit of liking and not doing anything wrong, we can even create the opposite effect. It's okay, it's human, and you probably see yourself reflected in them. It is enough to empathize a little with the public you want to address to understand what they expect when you see you, or rather, they expect from your brand.
For this reason, I am going to show you a list with the most frequent and easily corrected errors. In the end, you yourself will be able to realize that being yourself, and understanding what you are looking for in others, will also make you know how to correct it. And of course, habit creates habit, so if it can be difficult for you, don't worry. Bear in mind these typical errors or advice, in the long run they will cause you to do it better.
Don't seek to feed your ego
I start with this one because it is a very common one. And it is that we all have a need to like, and to be loved. Do not deny it, nothing happens, it is a basic need. But the problem usually comes, in the effort to like it. We do not realize it, and precisely there by having all the time in mind "I must like, I must like, I must like ..." as a loop, we oversize that.
These are some tips that usually occur:
- You neglect the brand image when consider (even if unconsciously) that the image is you. And no, you should not project yourself, but what your clients are supposed to expect of you. It may feel good to convey your thoughts or principles, but are you creating value in your product?
- You want to look good with everyone, and in a way, you are afraid to position yourself in one direction. You don't want to hurt anyone or make them feel slighted. And I understand it is normal, but sometimes, it does not hurt to say things to try to be good with everyone is always stupid behavior in the end (notice I just did it).
- Nor do you need to be flattering and complimenting the audience. On the contrary, belittling who you consider your enemy or your competition. It can be annoying, and it is very ugly.
Don't mix the personal with the professional
Defining the line between personal and professional can sometimes seem blurry, but there are obvious themes. On the one hand, your personal Brand should revolve around what you do, but not mix it with your life outside of it. Namely, no publications about the "vidorra que te pegas" or "the last barbecue of the weekend."
In the case that you consider that a lot of people follow you, and for whatever reason, it comes as an air of greatness or an influencer, either. Remember that people were interested in your brand image, and that changing it will not change their expectations. Put the truth back very far, and you don't like to suddenly find posts that are not what you are looking for.
If you are one of those who post personal things then no, stop doing it. It will be the best.
Do not copy anyone
Nothing to imitate third parties, whom you consider your reference, and less copy and paste. The most obvious reason you may be able to see is that someone will have pierced you. But no, although it may have that effect, I am not going there.
Let's imagine that in the long run, you have followers, who do not notice your tricks. Everything is going smoothly, but… What if you have to answer someone? o Should you post or do something more or less quickly? It is not that you have nowhere to turn, but that the day comes when people begin to verify that their brand (you in your case), is no longer who they were. Users fall out of love easily, and goodbye.
Hence the importance of being yourself. Do you believe in yourself Do you know that what you offer is of value? Then fear not. Do it your way, time will perfect it, and without pretending, you will get better results.
Publish content when it suits you
Not! And I emphatically say it. Look at the statistics, and if you don't have them, guess the hours that more people will be able to connect to your website. But there is hardly anyone browsing Facebook or other social networks at certain times like 3 in the morning.
If that is the time that it has been good for you to have something to publish well, excellent. But schedule to be posted at a more decent time. Like 11 in the morning, for example.
Keep an eye on quality, over quantity
I have seen this in many companies, both having worked and having seen them. The rush to get results, the stress, and quantify how much has been done ... Well, it doesn't work, there is usually no quality in it. I give you an example:
- Would you prefer, for example, to read a blog that publishes a 300-word post every day? Where, in addition, do they explain little to you, insufficiently, and with the feeling that it has been written in full? Or would you prefer the opposite? A blog that perhaps publishes once a week, by someone who may not have much time, but who plants a 1.500-word post with everything well detailed, explained… come on, good quality. What do you choose?
You should try that yourself. If you have time, well, and if not, to pamper your content. Napoleon said ... "Dress me slowly, I'm in a hurry."
Know your followers and your goals
What kind of people do you want to target? Define your audience by defining your goals. If you don't know them, you are stumbling. Not defining yourself will not make you stand out in something specific.
Personally it was something that I had a hard time understanding, perhaps that is why I emphasize. It wasn't until I came across a blog that interested me once that I understood. The boy who wore it almost never published anything (in line with the previous point I mentioned). However, all the posts he had were terrific. Super well detailed everything, extensive, it used few images but very elaborate, and in short ... a delight to read its contents so well exposed. Your segment? A very defined profile of people. However, I gather that I was not the only one who re-viewed your website repeatedly. It is currently very well positioned, and after these years, it is strongly known.
Little or no record
Nothing is built overnight, just as you should try to be regular. Don't let your site die. Again in line with what I mentioned earlier. Don't post every day if you can't, but yes, make time to contribute new content at least once a week. It is essential for the survival of your personal Brand and that it does not fall into oblivion.
Buy followers to increase your audience
It is possible that in the spirit of increasing your audience you consider the possibility of buying followers. In addition, it is a common way to evaluate your work based on the increase in followers you have had. But do you consider it to be a good obsession? Although that implies having thousands of followers and that when publishing content sometimes you do not receive a like? No, it is not healthy, neither for you nor for your pocket.
It's a disservice you do to your personal brand, because you cannot arouse interest in people at the stroke of a check book (how nice it has been, but it's true). In your line, and the followers who value what you do will lead others to follow you. This is so.
Do not reply to comments
Answering users' questions is always received as a kindness, attention and concern on the part of who manages the place. Even user comments that you might not like or say something bad. It is better that, to start blocking users.
Often, opening a thread privately to chat with the user is not a bad idea. However, what I say does not mean that we should tolerate insults or people who are really going to hurt with bad manners. In that case, yes, the best thing is to ignore these people, or not to answer them. The evidence speaks for itself.
Not completing your profile
And lastly, a wink for all those profiles that we reach and they don't tell us much. Not who or who they are, what they do, or where they are, and there is a void.
Dedicate 10 minutes, it is not necessary to write and oversaturate the site. Just with you explain a little who you are and what you do, a photo or your logo itself, and how to find you, is much better than a profile without information.
I hope that all these failures can be assessed and taken into account from now on. They are not difficult to rectify, the difficult thing is to keep them in mind and be constant in not committing them. But as I said at the beginning of the article, at the end, after repeating it many times, the habit and good behaviors are created, so that your brand image remains intact and is not harmed.