Work is something that, when you reach a certain age, worries you. And a lot. Therefore, finding a job becomes an odyssey, especially taking into account the times of crisis that have been experienced and have made many specialize in various tasks, being able to choose different jobs. The new technologies have also achieved benefits and that is that you no longer look for work only in the area where you live, but they are used Career pages to find that ideal position.
If you are in the middle of a job search and you no longer know where to look, here we are going to give you several pages to search for a job where very good results are being obtained. By trying you do not lose anything, and at least that way you spend the free time you have in locating more job offers that may be interesting to you.
What to keep in mind before looking for a job on job pages
If you are looking for work, one of the tools that you have on hand all the time is, without a doubt, your resume. In it you can see a summary of your working life, with the training and experience you have. This is the document that opens the door to companies. If you can make him attractive enough to be called, you've already got a lot of money.
Therefore, ppay attention to the design of the resume As well as all the data that you contribute, that is related to the job you aspire to, it is mandatory.
In the employment pages you will have to send it online, which makes us recommend that you have it on your computer, or on your mobile, in PDF format. Why in PDF? Well, because it is the format that gives it an elegant and print-like appearance. If you send it in doc, the only thing you will do is that they have to open it but they will not see it. And what we want is that.
We also recommend that you keep lthe titles of all the courses and training available to you. In many employment pages they allow you to create a profile and the better the filling, the better the impression you will give. The reason why we tell you about the titles is because you can put them all, with the number of hours, the theory you learned, conclusions, etc. That is, do not stop at putting the title of the course and the year. Seeks to give more information.
You should do the same with experience, relating each job to the achievements you have made in it, what you have learned and the tasks you have performed.
Job pages to find a job
Now that you have everything ready, it is time to recommend a series of pages that will not be overnight, but will help you find job offers. Of course, as happens everywhere, you must know how to filter between those that are real and those that are not, so as not to waste time with these second ones.
If an offer interests you, try to write a cover letter for that particular job as soon as possible. So they will see that you are really interested. The sooner you respond to the offer, the more possibilities you will have because the recruiter will see your resume sooner and you can be selected for an interview.
That said, the pages that we recommend are:
Linkedln is a social network, but it differs from others in that it is professional. What does it mean? Well, we started because the profile you have is like a resume (hence what we told you before having all the data at hand).
Also, the posts to be put on are not so personal, but rather professional.
It has a special section to look for employment, with a search engine that allows you to access different offers depending on what you are looking for. Many of them are created in the social network itself, so by pressing the request button you can attach the curriculum and put your phone number so that they can call you.
Why do we recommend it? Because not only do you have that option; Also, through contacts, you can ask them to share your publications and, with this, get more people to know you. That way you will at least get your profile moving and reaching the right people.
This job portal is one of the best known, and the truth is that we have tested it, so we know a little about what we are going to recommend you.
As with LinkedIn, you have to take the time to fully complete your profile and, once done, you can sign up for the offers you see.
Many of them ask you for cover letters or pass a series of questions that use filters, but you can sign up without problem. Now, does it work well? Yes and no. In the beginning, it was very common that, if you passed that filter, you would be called for an interview, but not in all jobs.
It is normal that you sign up for dozens of them and they do not prosper, but the good thing is that your profile also acts as attractive, because the employers themselves can carry out searches and that you appear in them, in such a way that it is not only active search, but also passive.
It is one of the employment pages where you will find more job offers. Actually, they are not all the offers that are put on the portal, but it acts as a metasearch engine, that is, that list job offers both own and from other pages. That saves you time, because you will see more offers than on other sites.
You also have a space to upload your resume, something very important, and thus make sure that, if they look for you, they have all the information they need to convince them that you are the ideal candidate.
This is from the job pages where you can find international offers. In fact, there are more here from outside of Spain than from Spain. But it is an opportunity if you want to get a job in another country.
Of course, we recommend that, when you put your resume, or send it, you do it in English (and you already know that there is an international template that you must follow because it is unified).
There are many more employment pages, can you tell us any that have worked for you?