In 2015, online shopping accounted for more than a third of the retail sales growth, with $ 341 billion dollars generated in the country of the United States throughout the year.
It is not enough to launch a online business And waiting for customers to come call, you need to start with a unique idea and then market it like an expert.
To understand more, the following real lessons will make you understand how you can innovate to have a successful business. E.g. Finch Goods and BeardBrand
Finch Goods
Finch Goods was created by Richard Lazazzera. When he initially launched the company, one of the biggest challenges he faced was keeping inbound traffic to his store and getting customers to switch to another store.
In an original case study, Lazazzera not only discussed the importance of generating a regular flow of traffic, but also specified the importance of crafting a strategic marketing plan to keep those customers on your side. Among the most important strategies were the following:
- Send emails to customers offering offers and discounts in the store.
- Newsletters with product updates and offers to keep customers engaged.
- Give rewards to customers for being loyal to the company.
Often times, marketers of body care products don't take their business to the next level through branding. That is why BeardBrand stood out; the company created a narrated story to create a recognizable brand identity as well as an identity for the consumer.
While there is more expense involved in this type of branding, it creates a unique experience that incorporates the customer into the brand. This tactic led to rapid and substantial growth for BeardBrand, with the company eventually reaching $ 120.000 in sales per month in the first year.