Ecommerce successes in different countries

exist ecommerce

The e-commerce industry it is continuously growing all over the world. With each passing day, new e-commerce markets are emerging and established markets are reaching new goals.
Let's take a look at the e-commerce markets largest in the world by country and the trade trend in which each stands out.


Today, China is the largest e-commerce market in the world. world run by e-commerce affiliates from the Alibaba group, Taobao, Tmall, among others. With 35% annual growth, China is also one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world.

United States

After reigning the world of electronic commerce For more than a decade, the United States is currently the second largest e-commerce country in the world. Led by e-commerce giants like eBay and Amazon, the country sees healthy e-commerce growth across all sectors and has for the most part been the home of innovation for new e-commerce trends.

United Kingdom

Despite its small size, the UK is a major player in e-commerce. Amazon UK, Argos and They are some of the largest e-commerce sites in the UK and the country also has one of the highest percentages of e-commerce sales of total retail sales.


Germany is the second largest e-commerce market of Europe after the United Kingdom. And like the UK, Amazon has a good share of the German market as well. eBay and Germany's local online retailer Otto are some of the country's top e-commerce players.


Led by local players like Odiego & C-discount, the French e-commerce market ranks sixth in the world. As in other large European e-commerce markets, Amazon has good penetration in France, but local brands have managed to maintain competition alongside their US counterparts.

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