Ecommerce and smart logistics in Asia

smart logistics

This is an exciting and at the same time terrifying time for him. e-commerce and smart logistics in Asia, which sees how consumers accept it and companies post record profits. According to estimates of Mastercard, Asia Pacific generated more than 567 billion dollars in total transactions, only in 2014, so it is likely to become the largest e-commerce market in the world.

The part that terrifies Ecommerce retailers in Asia it has to do with the demand for products, which has also presented record figures. People want better service with the shortest waiting time and lowest costTherefore, for e-commerce to continue growing, it is necessary to face bottlenecks, something in which logistics is essential.

To meet the demand, many companies have started offer more complex services in shorter periods of time. Some have even started offering same-day product delivery and free returns.

The main challenge is to ensure a consistent shopping experience, guaranteeing a fast and reliable delivery of the products. The problem with this is that logistics in Asia can become very complicated, firstly because its transport infrastructure is underdeveloped, not to mention that there is a lack of connectivity and great congestion in urban areas.

The Ecommerce startups are taking matters into their own hands by investing in smart logistics - compliance tools that leverage data and automation to maximize your efficiency. For example, Castlery, an online furniture retailer, has created an enterprise resource planning system that links the entire supply chain and syncs in real time with its website, store, distribution center, and factory.

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