Increase in ecommerce in 2016

It is incredible how in a few years technology has been in charge of entering almost every aspect of our daily life, even managing to alter our habits. A clear example of this is how we see and make purchases today via the internet, there is a clear Increase in ecommerce in 2016.

Let's start with the fact that online stores They present a great advantage for sellers as this avoids many costs involved in the sale. How was the rental of a physical space, due to the fact that the opportunity to create ecommerce. A new way to buy, and boy has it been a success.

A clear increase in ecommerce in 2016

These stores have had a long way to go in order to be famous today, however, their efforts have been worth it, since last year. The Purchase volume made over the internet 23.3% increase a not inconsiderable figure, and this has been the result of the following detailed growths:

The Purchases made through an orderly increased by 8% This means that more people were encouraged to make the purchase of a product, be it electronic or food at home, being at home and using a fixed computer, we emphasize this because the following gives us greater indications.

The purchases made using a tablet were 12% This indicates that at present there are more people willing to use a tablet than a computer, and due to the ease with which applications allow access to an online store, but these are not the user's favorites.
The online purchases made using a mobile phone increased by 74% placing this purchase option as the favorite for users, generating about 22 million euros; undoubtedly this trend is increasingly popular on increase in ecommerce.

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