A couple of years ago shopping meant heading out of the house to the supermarket or mall, and spending several hours searching and selecting products. Nowadays it only takes a few minutes, a computer or mobile device with an internet connection, to buy literally anything you need, at any time of day, without having to leave the comfort of home. It is clear that the way we buy, even the way we do business, has changed and much of that change has to do with Ecommerce and online retailers.
How has retail ecommerce changed the way we shop?
Constant connectivity, as well as the increase in the use of mobile devices, have changed the way in which products and services are purchased. According the digital age and the shopping experience in online stores are improved, opens up exciting new possibilities for forward-thinking ecommerce retailers.
For most it is a fact that Consumers no longer distinguish between online and offline purchases. When you search with a laptop, walk between the main streets or spend time in the mall, everything you do is commercial. For this reason and with the aim of adapting to a new competitive reality, Ecommerce retail businesses are turning to the digital component to expand your shop windows.
To put all of this in perspective, let's take a look at some of the ways in which it has evolved the purchasing process.
Buyers know as much as sellers
In the past it was common for people to go to stores with little or no knowledge of what they wanted to buy. Consequently, he had to turn to a salesperson for advice on which products to buy.
Nowadays however, buyers have become accustomed to conducting their own research, in order to get the most value for the money they spend and of course to feel confident about the purchases they make.
Thanks to that, retailers have a great opportunity to bridge the gap between the online consumer and the ecommerce seller, as well as stand out in an increasingly competitive market. Also important is that retailers seize the moments and make sure they are there when inspiration hits consumers as online research begins.
Relevant personal suggestions
Sales in the beginning began with shopkeepers who welcomed people into the neighborhood and then learned their needs and preferences.
What is happening today in this changing and constantly connected world is that a device is only an indicator of what is really important, that is, knowing the customers.
Devices also provide context and they help to learn what really matters to a consumer in a given place and time.
In addition to the intent provided by search, this is very powerful as it can help online store owners offer relevant suggestions by essentially re-creating those grocer conversations at scale.
The right message at the right time is to say the least, the next level in the customer service, allowing you to quickly and easily convert intention into action.
Context also allows retailers to better anticipate what a customer may be needing in based on when, where and how they arrive at your online storeTherefore, that can help you decide the correct way to respond to your needs.
Unlike what happened years ago, people are now constantly searching for information regarding products, offers, availability and discounts online.
For this reason, retailers who are not presently available to provide the indicated informationthey just don't have good results.
Mobile devices drive traffic to online stores
This is also another way in which the Ecommerce the shopping process. Previously, finding the right store and the product that was needed basically depended on chance or familiarity.
In this current digital age, Ecommerce businesses are incorporating mobile optimization into the user shopping experience. Remember that a large number of buyers are using their mobile phones to access the Internet and purchase products and services.
It is now easier for consumers to find an online store and access it from their mobile devices. Even these devices can be turned into maps, a shopping list, a personal shopper, a seller or a product finder at the same time.
Opinions are very important
Thanks to the social networks like YouTube and Google+, people are sharing their opinions about the products, but not only with their friends, but also with millions of people around the world.
Ecommerce businesses have begun to recognize the opportunities offered by the digital component, taking advantage of everything that is generated around the online comments by advertising.
Consumers who comment on the characteristics of the products they have purchased add additional value to the purchase process.
The current buyer takes all these opinions into account before venturing to buy items, it is another change in the way in which Ecommerce has revolutionized online shopping, something that could hardly be achieved a few years ago.
Products in detail
Before, the Internet was only for research, but there was no way to compensate the inability to physically inspect the product.
Now things have changed and thanks to the existence of interactive video with 360 views, gesture controls and high-quality images, the customer is given the opportunity to know in detail the products that interest them.
Some Ecommerce businesses are offering virtual plugins to combine and interact with the products in a unique way. This allows consumers to engage with the products on an emotional level. That is, when consumers' emotions are activated, their desire to buy is triggered.
Ecommerce has also changed the way of doing business
According to different studies, e-commerce software solutions increase sales and they also allow companies to sell in international markets much more efficiently.
Considering the fact that mobile devices continue to evolve for commercial use, mobile technology is becoming easier and more accessible for users.
El e-commerce has changed the way people search, communicate and buy the products they need. These Ecommerce solutions that we were talking about, allow you to manage all products, orders, pages, purchases, inventory, customers and more.
There are also solutions that in addition to manage e-commerce, allow the management of the website, as well as the creation of data on the fly from any mobile device anywhere in the world.
Before ecommerce existed, companies had to find a way to reach their suppliers, travel several kilometers to their distributor, as well as figure out the best way to store and track their stock.
Now all of these functions can be practically automated, so that instead of relying on a phone book, newspaper advertisements or direct mail, all of this can easily be done through e-commerce technology.
Thanks to this, functions such as blog and category management, so that the content can be easily updated.
Now it is possible to perform money transfers through payment platforms such as PayPal, Google Wallet, Payoneer, Amazon Payments, etc, in a comfortable and convenient way.
In addition, instead of spending thousands of dollars on print and advertising advertisements, marketing expenses have also evolved significantly in recent years.
To the extent that digital component is more present in our lives, e-commerce creates new business opportunities. Retailers also understand that making the most of new opportunities doesn't just mean new and better technologies.
Everything has to do with human nature, having a vision of the future that allows us to understand how mobile devices, context and video are related to sales, marketing and customer service.
When all of this is used properly, the technology actually becomes invisible, so the consumer begins to see the retailer as someone who can give them precisely what they are looking for.
Added to this, the emergence of Ecommerce platforms like Magento or Shopify, have allowed practically anyone to create their own online store, even without having advanced knowledge or previous experience.
Ecommerce has transformed not only the way we buy and access products, has also allowed us to access tools, platforms and services for businesses of any kind.