How to make frequent customers in your ecommerce

How to make frequent customers in your ecommerce

We know that the number of Spaniards who make purchases online is already quite large, and continues to grow, but you have to be aware of one issue is having customers, and another having frequent or recurring customers. And while it is important to put effort into get new clients, it is much more important to do usual costumers, so let's see a number that will help us learn about this task, so let's make frequent customers.

Frequent customer statistics in your ecommerce

If we look for the number of inhabitants of Spain we will find the number of almost 46 million inhabitants; Well, of these a third part, that is, more than 15 million people, carry out their shopping over the internet. This figure shows us that the growth possibilities to have clients who frequently resort to us are quite high. Because of this we can say that a good rewards campaign or some other methods will allow us to make our customers happy.

One of the Better opportunities What we will have to do this is to analyze our market, and see that so many people are the ones who usually buy the products that we want to offer. In this way we can know exactly the possibilities of our own market.

Now, let's move on to a similar data, but not the same. This is that 40% of Spaniards carry out buy on the internet periodically, this "period" being monthly. This information will allow us to further specify the market we want to serve, in order to define whether we want it to be a monthly customer or rather to acquire our products constantly, but at longer intervals of time.

Take into account this information about the shopping online It will allow us to have a better focus on our customer service, and thus have frequent customers, thanks to our excellent services and the techniques used to do so.

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