Ecommerce in France grows to 35 billion euros

Ecommerce in France

According to data provided by the French Ecommerce Association Tevad, electronic commerce in France has experienced an increase of 15% during the first quarter of this 2016 and an increase of 13% during the first six months. During this period, retailers in France had sales of 35 billion euros.

This association shared all this data during the Ecommerce Paris 2016 event, while also explaining that the growth of electronic commerce in the French country during the first half of the year was driven by a growing number of transactions from Smartphones, as well as by the rise of online markets.

It was also highlighted that sales generated in web-based marketplaces, experienced a 16% growth during the second quarter of this year, while mobile sales increased by 38%.

FOR Marc Loliver, who is the CEO of Fevad, If the market maintains this trend of strong growth, the annual turnover of Ecommerce in France could exceed 70 billion euros.

Regarding the second quarter, 230 million online transactions were registered, which has translated into an increase of 21% compared to the same period but last year. What's more, the average amount per transaction fell again by percentage, this time placing itself at € 75.

For Loliver, this decrease is offset by the increase in the frequency of purchase, thus with a slight increase in the number of people who buy online.

The data is revealing since it is mentioned that an online buyer he bought an average of eight times during that quarter. It is also interesting to say that the number of Ecommerce sites in France has also increased.

By the end of June 2016, there were 189.240 Ecommerce pages in France, an increase of 13% compared to June last year. During the third quarter, this figure is expected to reach 200.000 e-commerce sites in France.

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