If we are planning to have a online store, or even if we already have it; One of the main unknowns that arises, and that is due to the fact that the vast majority have access to the internet, is to what extent we must limit our potential market, that is, if we must limit ourselves to selling within Spain, or although it is better to open the possibility for people outside the national territory to make purchases. Let's look at some numbers that won't help make this decision.
An important fact is that the mean of the population that I make buy online within the United Kingdom it is 47%, which indicates that there is a very high number of people, on a continent level, who have a tendency to make purchases online. So we can say that the European Union market is very attractive for any online store.
On the other hand, the number of people who perform online shopping in Spain It is only 32%, this places us below the average for the continent. Now, this does not necessarily mean that limiting ourselves to selling in Spain is a bad idea. Let's analyze this information.
A very important variable to consider when making the decision about the market to which we will open our doors is our own capacity; both in the amount of products that we can sell, as well as the logistics capacity to carry out all the plans and shipments of our clients. To a large extent, it will be this ability that determines the approach we should take.
In the event that we take the issue of opening our store to the continental market, we must also consider that, although there is only a 15% difference between the national and continental average, In terms of number of people, this difference is abysmal, so logistics will play an extremely important role.