Email marketing service for an ecommerce

email marketing

To choose the best email marketing service You must take into account several factors and aspects that allow you to increase your income while staying in permanent contact with your customers. For example:

Details of the product

Make a list of all the providers and find out the main features that each of them offers. Remember that what you want is a service that makes your business grow, in addition, although initially you only require the basic functions, according to your email list of your clients grows, you may require more advanced features.

Email templates

You always want all email marketing that is sent, look attractive and defined, therefore you don't want to spend all day creating an email. For this, there are email templates that give messages a more professional appearance and that many email services offer. Therefore, make sure that the service you are interested in has this resource.

Make it easy to use

Having an variety of templates is a must, however you also have to make sure the templates are easy to use. For example, there are templates that support drag and drop, allowing you to add images and text in seconds.

Compatibility with mobile devices

It is very likely that your customers open the email messages using your mobile phone or tablet, therefore, the email service provider you choose for your business email marketing will have to be compatible with Smartphones and Tablets. That is to say, that your visual experience when opening the emails is adequate for the screen size that your device uses.

Integration with social networks

Email marketing and social media They go hand in hand, therefore you should opt for a service that helps you use both. That is, it gives you options to share the message on Facebook, Twitter, etc., without the need to create a separate message.

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