Business models in ecommerce

As you will know very well, electronic commerce or ecommerce is a commercial practice that consists of buying and selling products or services through electronic means, such as social networks and other web pages. In a clearly upward trend as a consequence of the boom in new technologies and that it can be one of the activities to which you direct your professional future.

But before undertaking any digital business, you must know what model it is immersed in. As you will understand, there are several of diverse nature and ranging from the most traditional lines of entrepreneurship to the most innovative and original. Where you must frame your electronic commerce before carrying it out. In any of the cases, they will have the same management model and that will only be affected by the specific characteristics of the business model selected by yourself.

Within this general context, we are going to show you from now on the business models in ecommerce or electronic commerce. So that you have some other idea about what activity you should dump your work and therefore focus the sale of your products, articles or services that you offer through the network. You may even be surprised by its great originality.

Business models in ecommerce: digital advertising

There is no doubt that it is one of the classics in this kind of online professional activity. In this case, it is an online business model where income is obtained through advertising. It is based on creating and developing strategies to get a large number of visits to a website. You pay for the appearance of the ad (impressions) or for a click on the ad.

Advertising is the main performance of all performances, although a sales system can also be implemented through advertisements from sponsors. It is that perhaps the business model that is easier to carry because it bases its strategies on the development of content that for now should meet the following characteristics:

  • High quality, both in the content and in the photographic material.
  • Be specialized in a topic or category. For example, investment in the stock market, team sports, international news or cooking recipes.
  • The contents must be regular so that day by day it can transmit information to users.
  • Under a design that is truly innovative and can be differentiated from those generated by the competition.

In any of the cases, the ways of inserting advertising are diverse and very varied depending on the profile presented by the publisher on their website. With the following formats in the advertising that we expose you below:

Banner: very creative formats are created whose main purpose is to get the attention of the visitor or user.

Advertising for the user: offers on the web advertising related to the tastes and preferences of visitors. It is oriented to the profile that readers may present and therefore its flexibility is somewhat greater.

Content-oriented advertisingoffers advertising related to the content of the website, that is, if your website is dedicated to the sports sector, the ads will be linked to this segment in all cases.

Remarketing: offers relevant advertising for the user, based on the visitor's browsing data on a website. It is perhaps the format in which the visits of users or clients can best be made profitable.

Electronic or online store

It is one of the most traditional in the electronic commerce sector. On this occasion, your objective is to sell or market products or services to third parties or to small or medium-sized companies. The income is derived from the purchases of the products or articles that are acquired by the clients. To the extent that it allows providing all the detailed and updated information on products and services.

This is the most traditional model within electronic commerce and it can affect a wide range of business sectors. From the most conventional to the most innovative or even original. There are practically no restrictions in this regard and everything will depend on the choice you present at the precise moment of developing this professional activity. Do you want to have any other ideas about the type of electronic or online store you want to start up? Well, here are a few proposals:

Types of ecommerce depending on the platform:

  • Social Ecommerce.
  • Mobile Ecommerce.
  • Own ecommerce.
  • Open source e-commerce.
  • Ecommerce on third-party platforms.

Types of Ecommerce according to the product:

  • Ecommerce of services.
  • Ecommerce of digital services.
  • Product ecommerce.
  • Ecommerce of conventional products.

The decision to choose the business model it will depend on your aptitude to face it. But above all of the knowledge that you can contribute from these precise moments. As you will see, you have many market niches to choose from and you will only need the decision to carry it out professionally.

Crowdfunding the latest trend for digital entrepreneurship

There is no doubt that this is one of the most original options to develop your electronic commerce due to the attractiveness it generates in small and medium-sized entrepreneurs with a profile that is more open to the latest trends in the digital sector.

In any case, you should know that this is a collaborative business model between professionals and individuals who create a network to get money to finance a project or get a commission for the transaction. But how do you get the income? Well, not through advertising or the sale of products or services as in other online formats. If not, on the contrary, it is governed by criteria that are substantially different from those. Where they are obtained by the use of the platform.

It can be very rewarding if you know the structure of crowdfunding and are willing to be part of this very special sector. Although for this, you must first know how to use this business model and why. It can give you some other clue that can indicate if you are the right person to put it into practice from now on.

  1. Political campaigns to get support and funding from people;
  2. Housing projects or to obtain money for the contracting of mortgage loans.
  3. Develop altruistic business models to help others
  4. Create a financing pool for social projects or other similar characteristics.
  5. Creation of small businesses, almost always from online or digital formats.
  6. Artists seeking funding to carry out their works, projects, etc.

Business models based on Social Ecommerce format

This type of ecommerce is based on sales through social networks like Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. Its incidence is increasing among digital entrepreneurs due to the great growth potential they have in the face of the next. It is a very attractive business niche, but it is the great unknown for e-commerce business models.

In any case, you should know that if you opt for this form of commercial entrepreneurship, you will have no choice but to meet a series of requirements minimum to face this challenge. Among which are the following that we mention below:

  • Contacts through social networks will be very extensive, also on a professional level.
  • You must manage social media accounts with special dynamism and try to attract more people to your profile in these forums.
  • Knowing about these relevant communication channels is an added value that will help you sooner rather than later to achieve your first goals from the first moment.

Paid and free products at the same time

This system is called premium and is based on providing products or services for free (free) to users. But at the same time developing a paid version (premium) with more advanced and functional features. So that this way, you are in a position to increase the number of orders. It is also a business model that uses this personal hook to progress little by little in your personal project. But taking into account from now on some of the characteristics that this new digital business must provide:

  • The free period it won't always be permanentIf not, on the contrary, it will have an expiration date that must be exposed under business criteria.
  • You must encourage the client or user to register as a preferred customer. In order to boost your commercial activity from any kind of strategy.
  • You must impose a condition that is not negotiable: if the user wants to access more functions, they must go to the paid version.
  • As if the same social agent wants more licenses for the product, he will have no other solution than to switch to subscribe the most advanced version.

As you may have seen, there are many options that you will have on hand to start your store or e-commerce. Where it will be essential that interest in these formats, as well as all possible knowledge so as not to make a mistake in the decision.

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      Elwin Pena said

    Very good article especially for how up to date it is already at the forefront of business.