Ecommerce books that will help you create an online store

ecommerce books

If you want to know a little more about Internet businesses, there are many books about Ecommerce that will help you create an online store, as well as to learn more about everything you need to implement an e-commerce business.

Ecommerce books you should read

As we mentioned these e-commerce books are a good option for those who want to know a little more about the way an online store works. Below we share precisely, a couple of Ecommerce books that offer a lot of information regarding this topic.

Keys to open an online store and sell

This is a book on Ecommerce in which relevant topics are touched with respect to basic business plans, characteristics and functionalities of an online store, logistics management, as well as customer service and attention and compliance with current legislation. The book also includes information that allows to understand the type of products that must be sold to be successful, the way in which the demand can be known on the Internet, the way in which the products will be delivered, etc.

Take advantage of your online store

This is a e-commerce book that offers you a series of tips to sell more and better online. The interesting thing about this particular Ecommerce book is that it comes with a compilation of fifty common mistakes in online stores. Topics related to planning, design, content, products, the customer, and the buying process are also covered.

Behind the counter

In this Ecommerce book in which a clear explanation of everything necessary to create an online store is offered, including the cost, as well as all the elements to consider before starting an online business.

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      Carlos Berbeci said

    excellent work susana, electronic commerce changed the way of doing business, every day there are new platforms and new techniques for this reason we must constantly train and these resources keep us in tune.
    Without a doubt, electronic commerce has become one of the most important phenomena of the digital age, thousands of small or medium-sized companies can compete in the market, only by creating an innovative platform that manages their customers and products in real time.