Social networks today they are considered essential and even necessary. Within our daily life we are in constant contact with them. We share our social, academic and all kinds of experiences. For this reason, it cannot be surprising that they can also be used as part of e-commerce.
For some time, the social commerce. This refers to use of social networks for commercial activities. Online social platforms are no longer just used to upload photos or share personal events. They are also used to carry out commercial exchanges.
Due to the wide scope of these and their accessibility, they are a great tool. It used to be considered only as part of social commerce to shared lists or user ratings. But today, this has changed. Any set of tools within social networks used for trading is part of the social commerce.
This term also should not be confused with "social shopping”. Social shopping refers to a network of buyers, as the name implies. On the other hand, social commerce refers to communication between sellers.
It is a growing area. And it is increasingly possible to include more tools within the social commerce. Any evaluation included in any platform, any analysis or review of a product or even a place is social commerce. This has also made sprout social marketing.
Social marketing refers to advertising within social networks. Surely you have seen an ad while browsing a social network. The constant investments in social marketing and social media updates and applications make social commerce a potential empire.
This has even been found to have an impact on the habits of online shoppers. It is not yet known exactly whether this impact will be positive or negative in the long term. But we can be sure that social commerce is far from going out of style.