Statistics of electronic commerce in Spain

The financial situation in Spain has been one of the main reasons that have driven e-commerce, and it all starts with the types of payment that people, our customers, prefer. The first thing to mention is that payment by credit cards represents half of all transactions or payments made in electronic commerce, secondly, we will find cash payments, which represent more than 30% of payments made, third Instead, we can find electronic transfers, which have 20%.

E-commerce statistics

Now let's analyze a little about the customers' favorite cards, Among which the most popular option is the 4B, and secondly we will find the Euro6000. Undoubtedly, these are important indicators to know in which banking institution it is convenient for us to manage our money.

Let us now analyze some of the cash payment methods More popular. First of all, we can find the Debit; second, we can find the payments made by using the PayPal platform, This shows us that although PayPal is a platform that facilitates payments electronically, many customers prefer to pay with debit cards, so it is a very important opportunity area for this platform class.

And what have customers bought so far, the IAB gives us the following figures: what was most consumed through the E-commerce They have been fashion items, these products being purchased by around 65% of customers, as a second favorite product we can find the Consumer electronics, and this is not really surprising because many of the video game platforms are becoming more and more virtual, and as for products such as televisions, their data is based on the fact that they are products where the specifications and the real product are always closely related. easily.

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