With this advance in the world of the internet, various sites have been created that dominate the online market, these sites sell more than 10,000 items a day, making them a large company in the world online market, beating traditional markets they have a sale rate much lower than these. Next, we will tell you what the most famous sites in online shopping.
Perhaps the best-known site when it comes to buying and selling, this company was founded in 1995 and has had such great success that from 2002 to 2015 they became the owners of the largest online payment systems company. from the United States, Paypal. Ebay not only offers a place where you can buy and sell goods and products, it also gives you the option of being able to auction your products, where other users offer different amounts of money, and in which the user with the highest offer will take the product within a certain period of time.
The site with the largest number of sales in the world, has a number of sales that are close to 50,000 million dollars, this site has the first place in E-commerce sites in the world. Amazon was founded on July 6, 1994 in the city of Seattle, Washington, United States. With a number of almost 150,000 employees, it is indisputably the most important buying and selling company in the world.
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Founded in 1999, it is the largest online site on the internet in terms of diamonds and jewelry, this online site competes with traditional jewelry stores such as Tiffany & Co., and also competes against online stores such as Belgium Diamonds and Ringsberry .com. It has a source of revenue of $ 473 million and has a staff of 300 employees.