Expand to Spain: The Promising Ecommerce Market

Compared to other European countries, the Spanish online market has developed relatively slowly. As it cannot be classified as mature, it is an attractive destination for international online marketers.

Compared to other European countries, the Spanish online market has developed relatively slowly. As it cannot be classified as mature, it is an attractive destination for international online sellers.

Spain has been through difficult times recovering from the recession. But now, according to secure tradingWith 60% of the population shopping online, Spain is the largest e-commerce market in southern Europe, leaving Italy and Turkey behind.

Spain: the promising market with a lot of potential for online sales

According to the study carried out by the National Commission of Markets and Competition, in the case of Spain, more products are bought abroad than sold. Therefore, this emerging market has a lot of potential for cross-border trade.

For starters, some facts and figures related to online sales:

  • 8% of all Internet users are Spanish
  • On average, 513 EUR per person is spent online annually.
  • One of the biggest online shopping days in Spain is Cyber ​​Monday
  • The leading internet retail category is Apparel and Footwear, followed by Food and Drink.
  • Spanish is the third most widely used language online, after English and Mandarin.

The Spanish buyer goes digital

Spaniards love street shopping. However, since the arrival of new technologies, habits have started to change. For example, the iPad Sunday is a new phenomenon that describes the peak shopping hours that occur on Sunday, usually between 6 pm and 7 pm

Overcome mistrust and win over the Spanish online shopper

In general, Spaniards like to shop online, but unfortunately some of them do not complete their purchases online. Not only because the buyer finds the price too high, but also because of trust and confidence issues.

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