Electronic commerce is in itself a revolution in the way we perceive trade, due to this there are many questions that we must review to be able to indicate that this type of trade it is still innovative, and the proof is some of the business models that some companies that are dedicated to technology have considered, such as DELL; and its model It has been quite successful, because its own customers say so, the reason for its existence is that this model is based on complete customer satisfaction, and we do not say that the products that are sold are not of quality, let's analyze this question.
The first thing to consider is that the premise of this e-commerce model is completely based on a personalized attention for each client, so it is able to offer the right product for said client based on their preferences, which are defined in real time depending on various characteristics of their navigation within our catalogs.
This is interesting because of what it implies for the supply chain, since the base is only to manufacture the products and the quantities that the client demands. This makes the whole process of product creation is carried out without practically existing inventories; This is quite interesting, as it greatly facilitates the logistics for the delivery of products on time.
This model serves one of the market demands that we could define with a well-known phrase, “what the client asks for”; And, in reality, what is the use of having a product if there is no one insured to buy it? And this model not only answers this question, but also addresses other needs of the industry such as reducing the amount of waste that is achieved due to products that are not sold.