E-commerce each time it becomes a more prominent business, but at the same time, more difficult and competitive. The e-commerce world It moves very fast and as a new entrepreneur it is important to take into account many aspects to succeed in the world of electronic commerce. This business is currently very important and large companies have begun to gain competitive advantage. But give them a little time, and you will see that they will fall on their own weight.
Today a large number of things can be automated, take fraud, for example. Now it is possible to put a procedure in your ecommerce platform so that when an order is valued as "medium risk", an email is sent directly to the finance department for a thorough review. When an order is valued as "high risk" a rule can be established so that the order is automatically canceled. It is like market automation, but much more effective and practical.
By delegating human decision making to automated systems, you get all the things you need in a much more efficient way, and in less time. This is the biggest automation advantage, It keeps us focused on the things that really impact our business, like providing a personalized shopping experience for our customers.
We also find companies that are beginning to use mobile payment systems or Wallet applications, so customers don't have to type in all their personal and payment information every time they buy a product. Since on many occasions we find situations in which we have to write all our information and it takes up to 20 minutes and we have not completed the purchase order, it is a very annoying experience, and customers will appreciate it if you do not make them go through it.
And finally, we have the integration of social networks like tool in e-commerce, in which we begin to see that it is even possible to make purchases directly from platforms such as Instagram.