When you wear a Online store it is in the utmost interest that we have a solid foundation upon which we can plan some Marketing strategies. One of the most important points to consider is the gender of our clients; The reason for this is that if we have more knowledge about whether our clients are women or men, it will allow us to be more effective when carrying out the campaigns.
Now, what information exists in this regard, and that can help us to open a online store? The first thing we have to know is that of all the users who make a purchase online, approximately 46,1% are women, in general terms we can mention that the number of male users is almost balanced with the number of women.
Now, once we know the general statistics, it is time to move on to something more specific, of all the users who make an electronic purchase. How many in our store are men? And how many women? It is important to answer these questions in order to plan advertising campaign in a more efficient way.
The answer will come mainly from the products that we offer in our web page, and there are some products, or series of products that are specifically focused on either men or women, it is also important to have a record of who our customers are.
Once we have the general and specific information, we can carry out the planning of the marketing campaign; One possibility is to carry out a campaign that is specifically destined for our users, and another possibility is that it is planned to attract new users. In the latter case, the best thing is that we base ourselves on our own history in order to be able to know which of the two genres we should focus on.