How to create an online marketing strategy on Twitter

twitter marketing

Next we are going to talk about how to create a online marketing strategy on Twitter, in such a way that your business can be more productive and successful taking advantage of the popularity of this social network.

Discover your target audience on Twitter

If you are not a participant active in this social network, then you should do a detailed research on the type of users you target with your business. If you can reach a point where you are able to develop a person or character that represents consumers who spend their time on Twitter or any other social platform in general, it will be even more beneficial for your business. Consequently, the first step in a online marketing strategy on Twitter, is to know everything about your target audience.

What results do you expect from participating on Twitter?

On Twitter, the number of connections you have does not matter so much, the important thing is who are the users with whom you are connecting and who determine the tweet spread, the generation of traffic, links, etc. This is why it is essential to know how to measure success on Twitter, because if you rely only on the number of followers, you could actually have a fake network with no effect.

Where does Twitter fit in your business?

You have to consider how it is that globally adjust Twitter in your online marketing strategy; if it is intended to be a customer service tool, to monitor the brand, check sales opportunities, etc. Knowing where Twitter fits within the marketing strategy will allow defining the allocation of resources for monitoring and engagement, the establishment of a work policy on social networks, as well as management and reporting.

Tips to improve your online marketing on Twitter

  • Have a profile of a person or with the target audience in mind, research users and follow them
  • Link the Twitter account with other social platforms such as Facebook Fan Page or a YouTube channel
  • Schedule events on Twitter every week, every month or every two months
  • Find a way to engage with followers

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