Direct bets on eCommerce

New Direct Insurance corporate identity

Last Tuesday Direct Insurance premiere corporate identity and presented to various media among which was Ecommerce news a new way of understanding insurance, betting on the simplification of its products and processes to respond to the complexity in the Insurance sector. To do this, they have started by simplifying their own brand, which is now, quite simply, Direct.

Direct's commitment is supported by studies such as the one carried out by the market research company GFK, which figures at 90% the percentage of policyholders who believe that they lack information about their insurance, to which is added the rise of eCommerce, which It increased its sales by 13% last year in Spain, with an approximate average cost per inhabitant of more than 800 euros, according to a report by the Telecommunications Market Commission. 

The CEO of the insurer Giuseppe Dosis I affirm that “Direct changes to anticipate market advances and propose appropriate solutions at all times. New technologies are going to have a direct impact on our business and we have to be prepared. I estimate that within 10 years, 50% of insurance contracts will be done online ”.

“Our message must simplify the work and position of the client, and not the other way around. We have detected this need within the market in Spain, and we are going to take advantage of it to differentiate ourselves from direct competitors », highlighted his part Reig Gem, Marketing Director of Direct.


Investing in technology to improve the customer experience

With a clear commitment to investment in technology, Direct plans to continue with the strategy of reinvesting more than half of the profits of the last two years in technological developments, to achieve improve customer experience every time he contacts the company. Seeks to establish a relationship based on Trust and transparency and thus become a useful and functional brand for the consumer, that responds to their real needs. To this end, Direct plans to continue in 2014 with the strategy of reinvesting more than half of the profits of the last two years in technological developments.

To achieve its objective of simplifying communication with its customers and improving the user experience, Direct also launches a transactional website with a adaptive design  that facilitates navigation and contracting from any device to guarantee the mobility of its customers.

At the same time, it launches an app that combines in a single application all the services that a driver may need. Thus, through the Direct application it is possible to locate where the car is parked by geolocation, establish travel routes and calculate the cost of gasoline, or schedule visits to the workshop and the ITV review.

Personalized insurance for each client

Direct becomes the first insurer that differentiates between the coverage that the car needs, and on the other hand, what its driver needs, offering personalized insurance and making its offer more flexible.

One more example of this customer orientation is the repair service, included in all insurance categories. Through this service, in the event of an accident with the car, Direct controls and guarantees the repair quality up to 3 years, is responsible for collecting and delivering the vehicle where indicated by the driver.

Another innovation is digital expertise, that avoids waiting times for the expert and makes a courtesy car available to the client during the time the repair lasts and the vehicle is delivered after a cleaning and review of levels by the company.

With this new orientation, Direct expects to double the customer's purchase consideration during 2014, increase the number of payments hired by Internet from 24% today to 40% next year and increase the budget request by web, going from 90% to 100% in the first quarter of the year, although they expect 70% of the contracts to be closed with the mediation of their sales team.  

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