Digital platform: what it is, types and advantages it offers

Digital platform

Surely you have used a digital platform more than once. It can be to take an online course, or to listen to music or play video games.

But What is really a digital platform? If you want to know this concept in depth, as well as know the different types that exist and more information about them, pay attention because we will tell you everything.

What is a digital platform

connection tool

A digital platform must be understood as a place where users are able to perform different activities while being able to interact with the tools at their disposal. In other words, it is a space on the Internet where you can perform different tasks that meet the needs you have at the time.

To make it easier for you to assimilate it, think of an educational platform. When you enter with your username and password you have access to the lessons, as well as the tasks or activities that you have to send. But you also have a forum, chat and other sections that help you with your needs.: get in touch with other students or with the teaching staff, check how your file is going, etc.

Each platform can differ, starting because there are many types of digital platforms. For this reason, there is not always only one, but often there are several at the same time.

The purpose of the digital platform

What is clear is that digital platforms all have a common goal, and it is none other than to help users carry out the different tasks for which they are created.

That is to say, if it is a music platform, listening to music, saving the songs you like, creating a series of songs... If it is a training platform, have at hand all the necessary training to be able to approach the course and have the support of the tutors.

Types of digital platforms

Types of digital platforms that exist

As we have told you before, there are many types of digital platforms and talking about each one of them could be too boring (and extensive). That's why, We have decided to briefly comment on some of the best known and most used.

training platforms

They are those spaces for online courses. The objective is that you can have all the information you need to work on your own and thus simulate face-to-face classes (only, in this case, you would be online).

Each platform may differ in terms of design, but not in terms of methodology or tools to offer since they are very similar to each other.

e-commerce platforms

They are the ones that may interest you the most if you have an eCommerce. And it is that these are ideal for electronic commerce. We talk about online stores and, within them, the systems or tools that allow a website to act as a store.

Examples of these are WooCommerce or Shopify.

social platforms

Perhaps by this name you do not know exactly what we mean. But if we change it to social networks…, yes, exactly. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest are some examples of social networks which are actually platforms where the main objective is the interaction between users in such a way that they can connect with each other.

Streaming platforms

Surely you have HBO, Prime Video, Disney+ or even Netflix. Well These are nothing more than digital platforms whose objective is to offer you a catalog with movies and series (in general) so you can see them whenever you want.

reading platforms

It is also possible to find reading platforms, in which, just like you can watch movies and/or series, in this case would you have a book catalog that you could read whenever you wanted (as long as the subscription is active, of course).

Collaborative work platforms

Type Asana, Trello or similar. These are work tools with which work teams are managed and it is possible to manage projects and coordinate the members in charge of one to have the tasks that each one has to do and also to maintain communication between them.

Why are digital platforms important?

Mobile apps

Now that you know what a digital platform is, and that you have seen examples of these, Are you wondering why they are so important? Actually, they offer you multiple advantages that, if you know how to take advantage of them, are very beneficial for you. Specifically, we talk about the following:

Save time

Imagine how a web page had to be built at the beginning of the 90s, or even in the 2000s. The normal thing is that the webs used html to program them and that it came out as wanted, but in a basic way. This is a normal website, but if it was already a store in itself, things changed, and a lot.

Right now setting up an online store that is ready to upload the products to sell is a matter of… 20 minutes. Unless you want a custom design and that involves a lot of work, the usual thing is that in a matter of an hour you have it ready for Google to start tracking it and working.

And that implies a very significant saving of time and work.

You don't need a big team

Before, you needed staff to upload the product sheets as quickly as possible, to create the website, for the creatives, even for the stock. But many of those tasks can now be done with fewer people (especially for the above).

They are easier to navigate

If you still remember the example that we have given you, you will know that when working with the web, If it is with a digital platform, it will be much easier to get results easily.

On the other hand, before it was necessary to know some code to be able to change the web to the taste that one wanted.

They are cheaper

These platforms are usually basic (but not in the sense that they do little, but in that they are the same for everyone a priori and are then customized).

Instead, when you have to create the digital platform, then the price can skyrocket, in addition to the complexity and the time to dedicate to it so that it finally succeeds.

As you can see, a digital platform is a space that is present in our daily lives almost without realizing it. Is the term clearer to you now? If you have any questions, contact us and we will help you in any way we can.

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