El digital marketing industry and eCommerce they have become two of the primary focus of attention for companies. That is why these were the central themes of the round table moderated by María Gómez del Pozuelo, CEO of womenalia, at the annual digital marketing fair OMExpo 2014.
In this event Elena Gómez del Pozuelo, President of Adigital, Maria Fanjul, CEO of Tickets.com and Beatriz Navarro, Director of Marketing and Communication of superSol focused on the importance of listen to the customer and offer rewarding experiences in its consumption.Digital marketing and eCommerce have become two of the main focuses of attention for companies due to the progressive increase in the number of users of Internet. In fact, today more than three million people connect to the Internet worldwide. This has meant that the world as we knew it has radically changed thanks to the new technologies. and now is the table who has the power to decision.
To talk about the impact that eCommerce is having on companies, Womenalia brought together three great women leaders in the sector. At the Women´s Leadership Table by Womenali round table held at OMExpo and moderated by María Gómez del Pozuelo, CEO of Womenalia, were attended by Elena Gómez del Pozuelo, president of Adigital, Maria Fanjul, CEO of Tickets.com and Beatriz Navarro, Marketing and Communication Director of superSol.
At the beginning of the debate, Elena Gómez del Pozuelo stated:
At present, three anachronisms are taking place; 65% of the world's inhabitants do not have access to the Internet, 85% of the people do not have freedom of the press, and Google knows much more about any given product than the manufacturer itself.
But nevertheless, more than 900.000 million euros are already billed annually around the world, a third in the United States and Latin America, a third in Europe and a third in Southeast Asia.
For her part, Beatriz Navarro pointed out as two of the main challenges at the business level the need for further development of eCommerce platforms in companies and the need to offer consumer experiences and not just products.
Technology changes at such a speed that companies themselves cannot adapt to new trends as quickly as they would like, and neither can the consumer himself.
María Fanjul, wanted to highlight the importance that statistical data and analytics have for the company at this time, as a differential element to anticipate the user's need.
We are working on measuring consumer purchasing decisions, their recurrence, and your interests to find out what you want and be able to be there when you you need it to offer it to you.
Digital strategy, social networks and eCommerce
The three experts emphasized the importance of social networks as a channel for listening and customer service, as well as the need to offer consumer experiences at the same time as products or services.
María Fanjul explained that “Through social networks we meet two objectives; listen to the needs of the user as a customer service mechanism and inform ”.
In this sense, Beatriz Navarro added that "Social networks are the best listening channel, therefore we do not approach them as a sales channel, but rather as a channel for information and customer service".
Finally, Elena Gómez del Pozuelo wanted to point out the keys that a digital strategy must have in social channels:
Be inimitable, have your own style, create stories to offer the experience, adapt to the style and needs of the clients and fulfill the values of closeness, simplicity and honesty.
New applied technologies
The debate took place in the Rocket Fuel Debate Hall at OMExpo, which offered an innovative system of interaction for the public. Thanks to this, throughout the debate, María Gómez del Pozuelo was able to ask the audience three questions that, using a remote control system, they were able to answer at the time.