Cyber ​​Monday was the biggest day for Ecommerce in history

Cyber ​​Monday

Cyber ​​Monday

According to data disclosed by Adobe, Cyber ​​Monday in the United States it became the biggest day for Ecommerce in history. During this day, buyers spent approximately 3.4 billion dollars on their online purchases, while the income generated in electronic commerce from mobile phones was 1.19 billion dollars, above the 1.2 billion that were generated in the B

Cyber ​​Monday, a success for Ecommerce

It is interesting to mention that Smartphones and Tablets, appeared as the devices that generated the most traffic compared to desktop computers. Adobe reported that 44% of retail site traffic came from smartphones, while 9% was generated from Tablets.

Despite this, a higher conversion occurred in computers, which in fact accounted for 65% of the retail sales on the Internet. Adobe also mentions that the average order value on iPhones was $ 139, while on devices this value was $ 124.

It is worth mentioning that Adobe considers its data to be the most complete and reliable than any other source. The company revealed that it obtained anonymous data from 23 million visits to retail websites, in addition to tracking 80% of all online transactions from the top 100 US retailers.

On the other hand, the report also reveals that eBay and Amazon They were the main retailers that received mentions and rumors on social networks, while the top ten states with the most online sales were California, New York, Texas and Florida. Amazon, Target and Walmart were positioned as the retailers with the highest engagement of digital content during the Cyber ​​Monday.

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