Customer profiles in e-commerce

Not all customers or users are the same or of the same nature, and especially when what is talked about is customers in electronic commerce. To the point that they contribute substantially different constants. And that in all cases it will be necessary to take into account to elaborate a lean and balanced marketing strategy for the interests of entrepreneurs in the digital sector.

From this general approach, we are going to analyze all the profiles in the clients in electronic commerce that you can find from now on. In order to carry out the more beneficial performances for the professional activity you represent at the moment. Although they can be raised from different systems to enhance the sale of your products, services or item

Because in effect, having this information can give you very powerful information to develop your business model. Not only in the commercialization of all your products but also for the maintenance of the logistics of the digital company. In this sense, nothing better than to show you below some of the most relevant profiles that customers can present in electronic commerce.

Customers in e-commerce: occasional profiles

Occasional or occasional customers are those who make their you shop online from time to time. That is, when they need a product or perhaps at the time they have exhausted the channels of physical purchase. From this point of view, one of your main objectives is to retain this special class of users. They require greater attention to involve them in business operations through digital channels.

This is a sector of the population highly desired by small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in this sector. Due to the high potential they have to become a customer with a fixed trend and with great frequency in purchases. In any of the cases, they have very well defined signs of identity and that are the ones that we expose you below.

  • These purchases for them are secondary and do not constitute the objective of your trends in consumption.
  • The average spending they spend on digital or online purchases is quite modest and is hardly noticeable in the budget they design each year.
  • They do not usually know very well how these purchases are channeled and have certain problems to develop commercial operations through these sales channels.
  • Their knowledge of the platforms that drive these sales are rather scarce and therefore they also have trouble identifying them correctly.
  • They are not aware of the offers and promotions that are made from the channels or online platforms. Because your interest is rather slim in every way.
  • In general, there are usually people who are used to operating from technological devices and especially the most advanced ones. If not, on the contrary, they do not show much interest in this class of communication devices.

Intermediate profiles, very close to their integration

The next group among customers or users are those who are in a medium level. In other words, they have gradually become a habit in their purchases. They are becoming more and more interested in this kind of shopping and are even registered in some digital platforms in the commercialization of their products.

It is a social segment that requires greater monitoring by those responsible for businesses or digital stores. In this sense, they are very prone to be receptive to the delivery of information and products by these companies. While on the other hand, they usually operate with few online platforms and present some of the characteristics that we offer you below.

  • Its integration into these sales channels for products, services or articles is really progressive and it is noticeable that its identification with digital sales is almost satisfactory.
  • They are adapted for this kind of purchases and in principle they do not usually have problems to carry out these commercial operations. And on the contrary they are very trained to carry them out from any type of commercial strategies.
  • They have an annual budget to make online purchases. Although without the breadth of the most demanding levels in the profile in electronic commerce. But they have many possibilities to integrate into this group of users.
  • Their level of knowledge of digital channels is quite high, but without reaching the levels required by those responsible for electronic businesses. Although in all cases they are on a clear path of expansion to join higher ranks.
  • They are addicted to buying certain products or articles and in these cases they dispense with physical stores to fulfill their consumption needs. As for example, in the sectors of new technologies or sportswear.
  • Their final interest is the full integration as users of digital platforms of these characteristics. And for which they have loyalty policies by these companies or online platforms. Without any kind of problems to satisfy this desire in the world of digital consumption.

Loyal and full-time clients

Finally, the group most sought after by entrepreneurs in this field is present. They are the people who are integrated into this select group in general consumption. From this point of view, they can offer little because they meet all the requirements to be the best group in the profile of businesses or online stores. With a series of contributions that are not available to all users. If not, on the contrary, they provide very well-defined hallmarks from any kind of commercial strategies.

They are fully integrated into this group of digital consumption and that in all cases they provide sufficient technical knowledge to correctly carry out all commercial operations that may arise from these precise moments. Its main features are the ones that we are going to list below.

They are users who carry out all kinds of commercial operations from your digital devices and they already have very little contact with the more conventional or traditional media. Even in your financial relationships or with your banking entities.

They are very linked With the use of new technologies in the information. Their dependence is really very high and therefore they no longer have, or very little, relationships with the media or physical channels.

Their degree of connection with these media in consumption is maximum and has no nostalgia for old habits in the consumer sector. If not, on the contrary, they are very happy with their current situation. All his purchases are carried out through technological supports, even for several years.

Their profile, in general, corresponds to young people with a high academic training and who do not usually have problems expressing themselves in other languages. With an interest in new technologies and that is very high in all cases and that also translates into the consumer sector.

While on the other hand, they have no grudges for open up to new experiences in the field of digital consumption. To the point that they are very open people to manage their money and everything they need in their daily life. Through the learning acquired in years and years of experience in business relationships.

Under this general approach, this social group is preferred within digital businesses because in a certain way it is already loyal. Although this does not mean that these people should not be followed up.

On the other hand, the expenditure they make every year is actually very high and is highly dependent on this kind of very special habits and on the rise in the sector represented by consumption.

And finally, it should be remembered that this profile that is on the highest step They are part of a group that is linked to new trends in the market. While on the other hand, they are increasingly numerous among other reasons because they are made up of the youngest people in Spanish society.

As you may have seen, e-commerce users are not uniform. If not, on the contrary, they show much more nuance than you might think from the beginning.

Within this new context, it should be remembered that these profiles in online or digital shopping are really changing over the years. They are very changeable configurations and you can go from one group to another with some ease and in a certain way flexible in its conformation. So that in this way, both parties of the commercial process can benefit from their actions. While businessmen in the sector will be in a position to boost their sales, customers or users will have an easier time identifying with other people to maintain goals in their consumption strategies.

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