According to the latest data from the Bank of Spain, with a variation of 7,38% in the second semester compared to the same period in 2019, credit cards show the most pronounced increase, compared to debit cards, which rose 5,35%. A trend that will continue in this current year, hand in hand with electronic commerce, the variety of media that have a card as a base, security and increasing competition, say the experts consulted.
No one doubts that this payment tool has become a powerful weapon through which people can make their purchases in the store or online commerce. From this point of view, it is very interesting to know that these plastics are very advisable to have to make the payment of payments in purchases in stores or online commerce. So that customers can choose this option.
There are many cards that can be enabled for this type of operation, from some really innovative to others more conventional or traditional. Where any plastic can be valid for meet this demand so necessary in digital media right now. Under this approach we are going to offer some of the credit or debit cards that can be most used, or at least useful, in the electronic commerce sector.
Characteristics of these plastics
The main contribution of this system is that it allows its holders to defer the payment of their purchases in 6 or 12 months, most of the times without any interest charge, although in recent months more aggressive cards have appeared in terms of their benefits that allow having weekly or monthly credits to face unexpected expenses. Although they are free during the first year, it must be borne in mind that the higher the expenses, the higher the fees that will have to be disbursed for all the periods stipulated in their contract, which can increase the degree of indebtedness of their holders.
While on the other hand, a more innovative formula that these cards apply is through the “flat rate” formats, by which the monthly amount to be paid can be determined regardless of the purchases made and, which is generally fixed from 30 euros, the user knowing at all times the amount to be paid every month.
In flat rate format
A variant on the rise in terms of the offer that banks and savings banks have been marketing in recent years are the cards that have a “flat rate” incorporated to meet the monthly expenses of their holders. This modality belongs to the group of cards called “revolving”And, which are characterized by their deferred payment method. With them you can set the monthly amount to be paid regardless of the purchases made. This card differs from classic credit cards in the payment method in that it is settled through a fixed fee, the amount of which is set from 30 euros per month depending on the credit granted.
In addition, in some of them you can have a permanent and immediate credit. This produces that their holders have a better control over the total expense, and as they release the credit, they are having it to continue with their purchases. On the contrary, it supposes as a great inconvenience an incentive towards spending and, therefore, greater possibilities of getting into debt since the user is forced to use it every month, even if they do not need this financing service.
Prepaid cards
These cards have their own identity signs that differentiate them from the rest, both due to their characteristics and their benefits to their holders and which are basically summarized in the following features that this means of payment presents:
- It works in the form of top-ups on your income, so that when the amount has been used up, new contributions will have to be made to the card in order to have cash available again.
- Each recharge can carry a cost of between 0,50% and 1,00% on the amount deposited, although some models are exempt from this payment.
- They are used to face purchases in shops or online, and also to withdraw cash from ATMs, up to the limit provided by each card (between 500 and 1.500 euros per day).
- They provide their holders with insurance free of charge, without any additional cost: accidents, travel assistance, protection against fraudulent use ...
- They are normally free during the first year and on renewal, although some proposals may charge between 3 and 20 euros for these concepts.
- It is often necessary to associate the card with an account of the entity in order to enjoy its advantages and start using it.
- They can be used as a gift for your partner or younger children, or simply as a wedding gift or to congratulate a loved one on the birthday.
With additional models
These advantages in the form of discounts on purchases of products and services can also be taken advantage of by relatives of the holder of these cards through the additional cards. What are all those cards that you can request for those people you want them to be card holders. These additional cards will share your monthly credit limit and the purchases they make will be reflected along with yours on your monthly statement.
But it will be necessary to take into account that it will suppose an extra payment for its acquisition and maintenance, which oscillates between 15 and 40 euros approximately a year, although in some specific offers these costs are exempt from payment and will represent a small advantage for their beneficiaries. This action is aimed at which spouses, children or parents can also benefit from these discounts on their purchases and that some financial entities apply to their credit card models. It can be another interesting model to save money among the family through the same card.
Most of the offer of this means of payment comes from the tourism sector (travel, hotels, transport, restaurants, etc.), but without forgetting other options that can be very useful for its users and, ranging from replenishments of gasoline to purchases in stores, without lacking the possibility of getting packages with discounts during the snow season or attend the main Formula 1 races at a better price, even obtaining free legal packages for their holders as a proposal to accept their card models.
Financed options
Other financial institutions, on the other hand, choose to offer their customers a class of cards that provide more extensive financing based on raising the minimum amount as the terms get longer. Its main advantage is that the length of time is long, from 90 to 800 days, but in exchange for committing the client to have fixed expenses during the period that the financing lasts.
In this way, for terms of 30, 60 or 90 days, the minimum amount must be 90 euros, to progressively increase until reaching higher levels of demand, which in a year can be for amounts greater than 350 euros and a maximum of 730 days rise to almost 800 euros. For all the cases contemplated in this postponement, subscribers will not have to pay interest, exactly as in other types of cards with similar characteristics and benefits.
Loyalty cards
Through them you can get your purchases with a reduction in their prices that ranges between 3% and 5%, and in some card models even outside of them, although with softer bonuses, no more than 1%, within a commercial strategy in which this saving is given premium in exchange for the client becoming more closely linked to your business or establishment.
They offer financing for purchases, although with very high interests, which are established between 18% and 25% and, with a shorter amortization period, between 6 months and 3 years at most and, to what can be add interest for late payment that can reach around 2% or 5%. On the other hand, they are characterized above all because they do not have a uniformity in terms of their quota during the first year and its subsequent renewal, since in some cases they are completely free while in other cases a quota that varies from 10 to the 40 euros.
While finally, they are models that are distinguished from other formats because their hiring is free during the first year, and that in some proposals it even reaches their entire duration. As well as a service of notifications by SMS of all the payments made with their cards for the larger amounts. As one of its main hallmarks. With them you can set the monthly amount to be paid regardless of the purchases made. This card differs from classic credit cards in the payment method in that it is settled through a fixed fee, the amount of which is set from 30 euros per month depending on the credit granted.