PayPal was one of the first forms of payment in the world. With his account, you could send money to almost every country in the world. In addition, creating a Paypal account was free, and that meant that, when you had to do a procedure online, instead of using your bank card, a transfer, or cash on delivery, you would choose this one because it was fast and secure.
And it still is. With the passage of time, it has been left in the background, as more payment methods have come out and the habits of consumers have finally made them trust to buy in other ways. But if you still want to know how to create a PayPal account, and why it can be useful to you, do not forget to take a look at what we have prepared.
What is PayPal?
PayPal is actually a company. Of American origin, it offers a payment and shipping system for both users and businesses, allowing the transfer of money between users. It was founded in 1998 and today it is still active, although it has encountered more competitors that have relegated it to the background compared to other payment methods.
Why use PayPal?
Now that you know what PayPal is, the next question you can ask yourself is what to use it for. At first, PayPal was very useful for those who started working online. That is, copywriters, copywriters, web designers ... since it was a fast, direct and safe way to get paid, whether in advance or not, for the work you did.
But not only that. Many online stores began to enable payment by PayPal, which, because you did not have to give your bank details or credit card, only your email, gave you security. And although you have to pay a commission in these online stores, it was worth it to keep your data safe.
Thus, today PayPal is still a effective method and that you can use for a lot. For example:
- You can buy with it in online stores that have it as a payment method. We speak, for example, of Ebay, eCommercers with this payment system, Aliexpress ...
- You can send money to friends and family. When they are in Spain they do not charge commissions, but when they are from abroad there may be some commissions (sometimes smaller than with other payment methods).
- You can request the payment of products and / or services. For example to a client who has to pay you.
- You can receive money, either from clients, friends, family, etc.
How to create a PayPal account
But let's get to the really important thing. And to the reason why you have come this far. If you want create a PayPal account, You need to know what are the steps you must take to do it, and here we detail each one of them.
Go to the PayPal page
Creating a PayPal account cannot be done in any other way, so be wary if you see any website where they are going to manage the creation for you. In addition, it is a free procedure that will not cost you more than 5 minutes.
Thus, the first step is to go to their website and click on the "Create account" button.
Fill in the details
Next, the first piece of information you they are going to request is that you put an email. This will be the email that will link your PayPal account with your bank (and credit card) so we recommend that you do not use the same email that you use often, but create a specific one, or that you use little, with a security extreme, to avoid problems.
Once you put it, click the continue button.
At that time, you must fill in the data such as country, name, surname, password (again choose a very secure one).
You must accept the terms of use and, finally, you will only have to click the create account button to be effective.
You have to enter the bank details to create a Paypal account
Well yes, now it's time to put your bank details, because PayPal needs this information to know where to get the money to pay. Once you do, PayPal must do a verification, that is, it will make a deposit and a charge to your account with some numbers. This takes 1-3 days to do, and you will need to have those codes to verify your PayPal account and that the bank account is yours in order to start using it.
And that's it. Once verified, you will be able to operate with PayPal in whatever you want (and allow as a payment method).
Future PayPal fees
We cannot leave this article without first commenting on a detail that you should take into account, especially since it has been recently announced and you should, based on it, take it into consideration.
And, because there are many PayPal accounts that are abandoned, the company has made the decision to "charge" for them. What do we mean? That your PayPal account will have a maintenance fee of 12 euros per year.
Before you say that you no longer want to create a PayPal account, wait. That fee must be paid (in fact, it will be taken from the bank practically immediately) as long as you DO NOT use your Paypal account.
That is, we are talking about the commission It will be effective if you do not use your PayPal account to pay, send money, or receive it. Otherwise, you would not have to pay anything because you are telling them that your account is active, and that is precisely what they want, that the users who are signed up use them as a means of payment (or sending money) for others.
How to close your PayPal account
If by any chance you are going to create a PayPal account and then you will no longer use it, Either because you do not see it useful, or for any other reason, you should close your Paypal account to avoid that commission.
To do so, the steps are as follows:
- Go to the official PayPal page. Once there, enter your email and password to enter your account.
- Once inside, go to "My account" and, from there, to "profile".
- In Profile, you will find several boxes, one of them, at the end of everything, being the "Close account".
- Once you do, it will ask you for confirmation that you really want to close your account. If you give it again, it will close your account and you will not be able to recover it again, that is, you would have to create a new one to start using PayPal again.